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Under the sea教案

 it took me ten minutes to go to the post office. it took me three days to finish reading the novel.
(4) pay “付钱 ”,主语是人。 常用于pay for 或pay (sb) some money for sth 结构中。
  i paid five yuan for the pen.  he paid the taxi and hurried to the station. he paid me 5yuan for mending the clock.
28 approach (1) v 接近,靠近 his work is approaching completion.  他的工作接近完成。we approach the museum.
  as you approach the town , the first building you see is the church. national day is approaching.
(2) v 着手考虑/处理; (因事) 找或接近。。。 he is rather difficult to approach.
 then i approached him on the matter. 接着我就去找他谈这件事。
 when is the best time to approach my employer about an increase in salary?
(3) n 接近 at her approach the children ran off.  the approach of winter brings cold weather.
(4) n 通路,入口 all the approaches to the meeting hall were guarded by troops. all approaches were blocked.
(5) n方法,手段 our teacher uses a new approach to language teaching. he presented a new approach.
(6) n 意图,尝试the club has made an approach to a local firm for help. 俱乐部已尝试向本地一家公司求助。
29 hold (1) v 拿住,抱住,拖住,抓住the child was holding her father’s hand. she was holding her baby in her arms.
(2) 召开, 举行 the meeting will be held next week.
(3) 保持某一状态 hold your head up.  hold yourself still for a while when i take your photo. 我给你拍照时你别动。
(4) 容纳,包含 the lecture hall can hold people.  my brain can’t hold so much information at one time.
  we want to rent a bus which can hold 40 people for our trip to beijing.
(5) possess ,occupy 占有,占据,担任 how long has he held office? 他已任职多长时间了?
 we hold a major share in the company .我们持有这家公司的大部分股份。
(6) 获得,怀有 he holds the world record for long jump. 他保持着跳远的世界纪录。
  a good teacher must be able to hold his pupils’ attention. 一位好老师一定能够吸引学生的注意力。
(7) 承受,支撑is that box strong enough to hold you? 那个盒子能承受得住你吗?
the dam gave away, it was not strong enough to hold the flood. 水坝坍塌了,它不够坚固,挡不住洪水。
 相关短语: hold back 阻止,踌躇,保守秘密 hold on 坚持下去,抓牢,(打电话)不挂断 hold up 举起,支持住
 hold out 伸出,提出,制止 hold on to 保住,保留,抓住
we thought of selling the furniture . but we’ve decided to hold on to it. it might be valuable.
29 migrate  vi (1) 迁移,移居 people migrate to find work. 人们迁居别处去找工作。


