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Under the sea教案

50 ahead   adv (1)(表位置) 前面 go straight ahead till you see the gate of the school. 
  he is ahead of any other student in our class in this examination .
(2)(表时间)提前,事先 the time is nine hours ahead of london. 这儿的时间比伦敦早9小时。
 if you come , please tell me ahead of time.
(3) (表关系)领先our team is ahead by 6 points. 我们队领先6分。
  get ahead of 超越 she soon got ahead of the others in her class because of her hard work.
  go ahead with 继续 go ahead with your work. 继续干活吧。
  go ahead 说吧,用吧,干吧  i wonder if i could use your phone.   sure, go ahead. …请用吧。
  can i borrow your bike? ---yes,__.  a go on b go ahead  c go forward  d go off
51 i had already heard that george didn’t like being kept waiting …我早已听说乔治不喜欢等人…
  句中like 后用了keep sb dong 的被动式做宾语,即为动名词的被动式。动名词的被动式表示动名词的逻辑主语是动作的承受着。动名词的被动式分为一般式( being done) 和完成式(having been done )两种。
  he is used to being asked questions in class. (被提问)  he came to our party without being asked.
  i don’t remember having been given such a book.   he prided himself on having never been beaten. 为…而自豪
52 have on “穿着,佩戴,在身上带有” she had on a red dress and white shoes. 
i don’t have that much money on me at the moment.
近义词辨析: (1) wear 穿着,指状态,可以用进行时,宾语是衣服、鞋帽、眼镜、发型等。
she often wears a white coat.  he is wearing a shirt.  xiao ming is wearing a pair of glasses.
(2) put on 穿戴,穿上(反义词take off ); 指穿的动作,用于穿鞋、戴帽、穿衣等。
he put on his hat rapidly and went out .
(3) have on 穿着,指状态,没有进行时,宾语是代词时,必须放在该词组中间。
  (4) dress   vt 给(某人) 穿衣,宾语一般是人,不接衣服类的词语作宾语,“衣服” 类的词要用在介词的后面。
  the mother is dressing her baby.  he is old enough to dress himself.   she dressed the girl in a new blouse.
  (5) be (dressed) in 之后经常接颜色或服装式样之类的名词。she is (dressed) in a red shirt.
he often __ a suit of jeans to school.  a puts on b wears c dress d has
53 head out into 相当于head for /to/towards 或 make (a dive) for “前往,向…进发” 
they are heading for new york.    we headed for/towards /to/  out into  the field.
  he made a dive for the rejected suits.
54 lead to (1) 通向 all roads lead to rome.  the path leading to the top of the mountain is covered with snow.


