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Under the sea教案

(1) promise    sb.  sth   the firm promised the workers a wage increase.
              that-clause  he promised that he would come on time. 
(2)  使(某物) 有可能 the clouds promise rain. 阴云预示着有雨。it promises to be fine tomorrow.
(3) n 承诺,诺言,保证书 i told him the truth under a promise of secrecy.我在他答应保守秘密之后把真相告诉了他。
  make a promise 许诺  break a/ one’s promise 违约,违背诺言 keep a /one’s promise 遵守诺言
(4) 可能性,希望 there seems little promise of success for the research. her work shows great promise. (大有前途)
 show / give promise of…有…的希望
75 (1)provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb   the school provides us with a lot of books.=___________________.
  (2) 供应某人所需 he has two children to provide for.  他有两个孩子要抚养。
  (3) provided/providing (conj) 在…情况/条件下,假若,除非 provided that you go, i’ll go too.
76 agree (1) agree to do 同意,答应 he agreed to let me go home early.
(2) 同意(某人的意见等) 常与with 连用 i quite agree with you.  they agreed with this idea.
(3) 在某一点上取得或具有相同意见 常与on/upon 连用 ,一般主语为复数。 they agreed on going. 他们同意去。
  i’m sorry we can’t agree on this . 很抱歉我们在这一点上未能达成一致意见。
(4) agree to (to为介词) 同意某一建议/安排   we agreed to their proposal .  please agree to this arrangement.
 agree with 还表示“ 适合,适应” the climate here doesn’t agree with me.
76 marry (1) a marry b 嫁,娶jane is going to marry john. he didn’t marry until he was forty. are you married?
(2) a marry b to c     the old man married his daughter to a young doctor.
(3) be/get married to结婚,与…结婚tom got married to rose last year.  marriage (n)  married 已婚的 unmarried
  divorced 离婚的get divorced (from)与…离婚 get a divorce from 与,,,离婚  they got divorced last year.
77 at the time 在那时,在那段时间 we were living in the country at the time .我们当时住在农村。
  i agreed at the time but later i changed my mind.
相关短语:ahead of time提前 all the time一直,永远 at one time从前,一度 at a time 一次,每次 at times 有时
  for a time 暂时,短时间内 have a good time 过得愉快 in time 及时,迟早from time to time 不时 in no time
立刻,马上 on time 按时 many a time 多次,时常
78 confident 自信的,有信心的,有把握的  he is confident of success. he is confident that he will succeed .


