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Unit1 Festivalsaroundtheworld(Period2 Learningaboutlanguage:Importantlanguagepoints)

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Unit1 Festivalsaroundtheworld(Period2 Learningaboutlanguage:Importantlanguagepoints)


Unit 1 Festivals around the world(Period 2 Learning about language: Important language points)

2. they offer food, flowers and gifts to the dead.
3. the country, covered with cherry tree flowers, looks as though it is covered with pink snow.
creation and description
step 1: have a group discussion and create a festival as you wish. then fill in the following form.
what is the name of your festival? 
when is the festival celebrated? 
who celebrate the festival? 
how do people celebrate it? 
why do people celebrate it? 
what are the themes? 
step 2: describe the festival you create.
one possible example:

what is the name of your festival? grandparents’ day.
when is the festival celebrated? on the second sunday in april.
who celebrate the festival? children and young people.
how do people celebrate it? children and young people call on their grandparents to express thanks and love.
why do people celebrate it? to honor the hard work and to care of grandparents.
what are the themes? respect, love and dignity.
one possible description:
the purpose of my festival is to give thanks and praise to one of the most important people in my life, my dear grandmother. she is my only living grandparent. she is 86 years old and has lived near my home since i was born. she is really lovely, although she is quite old. everyday she brings fresh eggs and milk to my mother to give me for breakfast. sometimes when i visit her, she still gives me candies, although she knows i am no longer a child.
i must say that i seldom forget all the good things my grandparent has done for me but i know that some of my friends often do. this festival will help remind them how important it is to honor our oldest family members. after all, without them, none of us would be here. all old people deserve our respect, which adds to their feeling of dignity, don’t you think?
my festival will always be held on the second sunday in april when spring has truly come to all parts of china. our grandparents may be old but i believe they are still young at heart. spring is the time to celebrate their youthful spirit.
each of us should take at least one of our grandparents to a park, or some other quiet places, such as a museum. we should talk to them and perhaps bring him or her little gift. i think the gift should be something we have made, so it needn’t be expensive. we should write the symbol for long a life in the gift to wish our grandparents a long and healthy life.
hope you agree with me and you are welcome to ask me more questions about it if you are interested in it.



Unit1 Festivalsaroundtheworld(Period2 Learningaboutlanguage:Importantlanguagepoints)
