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Unit 1 Great Scientists教学设计1

 step 4 pre-reading
1. (pair work) what five most important qualities do you think a scientist should have? give reasons.
clever/talented  strict  patient  creative  determined/strong-willed  positive  honest  energetic  intelligent/hard-working  ambitious  careful  co-operative  confident  brave
2. (group work)  ex2, p1
do you know how to prove a new idea in scientific research? discuss in groups the stages in examining a new scientific idea. what order would you put them in?
8)draw a conclusion    3)think of a method    4)collect results     5)make up a question   
1)find a problem   5)analyse the results  6)find supporting evidence   7)repeat if necessary
step 5. summary
seeing much, suffering much, and studying much are three pillars (支柱,要素) of learning.
learning without thought is a labour lost; thought without learning is perilous(危险的)
3.  to know the disease is half the cure. 找出病根等于医治了一半。
step 6 homework
1. preview the reading passage john snow defeats “king cholera”(p2)
2. speaking task (p46) write some key words to the qs to help your talk on your book and prepare to introduce the scientist you admire most to the class
3. read notes ①--⑨ to unit 1, p76-77
4. listening exercise p41,ex 1&2

period 2 fast reading (p2)
step 1 homework checking  p41 listening
step 2 lead in
1.invite 2-3 ss to introduce the scientists they admire most to the class
2.  background introduction to john snow
john snow (1813-1858) was born and worked as a doctor in great britain. he was originally an anesthetist(麻醉师).he was so famous that he became the doctor for queen victoria at the births of her many children.four outbreaks of cholera in the 1830s and 1840s killed many people in england. in 1854, the most terrible outbreak of cholera which ever occurred in the kingdom began. it was so violent and sudden that 127people died in the first three days.
3.give information of the deadly disease cholera
1) what infectious diseases do you know? (aids, sars, bird flu, grippe,pig-borne disease 猪链球菌)
2) what kind of disease is it ?     
name  cholera
symptom(症状) severe vomit (呕吐) and diarrhoea (腹泻)
aftereffect(后果) die quickly from a loss of liquid
step 3 fast reading:
read the text quickly and find out the answers to these two questions and the main idea of each paragraph.



