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高中英语新教材Unit11Scientific achievements教案

e. .          what plan has helped chinese scientists make many breakthroughs?
2.which scientific fields are mentioned in the text?
(after a while,teacher checks the answers.) t:have you found the answers? ss:yes. t:who’d like to answer the first question? s4:the plan for “rejuvenating the nation by relying on science and education”. t:quite right.the other question? s5:exploring space,genetic research,computer engineering and medical science. (teacher writes the answers above on the blackboard.) t:nice work.now,please read the passages again carefully,trying to understand them more exactly and pay attention to some detailed information.after that,work in groups to complete the chart after the passages according to what you’ve learnt from the text.after four minutes,i’ll check your answers. suggested answers: exploring space achievements:the chinese space agency has developed the highly successful long march rocket series.
importance:the rockets are used to prepare for the nation’s first manned space flight. genetic research achievements:chinese scientists have completed mapping out their part of the international human genetic project. importance:it has proved that chinese scientists are among the world’s best.it helps to solve the mysteries of life. computer engineering achievements:chinese computer engineers have developed the supercomputer shenwei. importance:the nation’s first humanoid robot has been built. medical science achievements:scientists have been able to create a chemical element that can fight cancer cells. importance:the breakthrough makes the cure of deadly disease possible. (after that,teacher deals with the language points.) t:nice work.i think you must have understood the text very well.now,let’s learn some useful words and expressions.please look at the screen. (teacher shows the following on the screen and gives brief explanations to make sure the students understand how to use them correctly.)
e. .          put forward:advance,propose or suggest sth. for discussion
e.g.he is putting forward radical proposals for electoral reform. 2.aim at:intend or try to do sth. e.g.we must aim at increasing exports. 3.announce:make(sth.) known publicly e.g.they announced their engagement to the family. have they announced when the race will begin? 4.map out:present sth. in detail e.g.he mapped out his ideas on the news project.
(bb:put forward,aim at,announce,map out) cstep ⅳ listening and reading aloud t:now,i’ll play the tape for you to listen.the first time,listen and follow.the second time,listen and repeat.is that clear? ss:yes. (teacher begins to play the tape.) cstep ⅴ writing t:well,up to now,we’ve read a lot about scientific achievements.which words in the text can we use to describe scientific achievements?prepare for a few minutes.then i’ll collect them from you. suggested words: significant,outstanding,breakthrough… (then teacher deals with writing.) t:very good.now,please look at the writing part.you’ve been asked by the magazine modern science to help them choose the greatest scientific achievemen  


