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Book 6 Unit 4 Global Warming

m_________ have been taken to help people ke____ away from the harm of smoking. in many cities, smoking is forbidden in pu_____ places. the danger of smoking is w_____ of everywhere. and newspapers are asked not to publish adver________ for cigarettes. world “no tobacco day” is ob________ every year as the biggest campaign ag________ smoking.
1.____________  2.¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ ____________   3.______________   4.________________
5.____________  6.____________   7._______________  8.________________
9.____________  10.___________   11.______________  12._______________
13.____________ 14.___________   15._____________   16._______________
17._____________18.____________  19.____________    20._______________

unit 4 global warming  book 6
part 1 vocabulary
1. compared  2. compared  3. matters  4. quantity  5. data  6. state  7. average
8. individual  9. agreements  10. phenomena  11. consequence  12. title  13. decreased  14. electrical  15. catastrophe
part 2 useful phrases
1. during the 19th century   2. lead to  3. on the other hand  4. through the burning of fossil fuels/by burning fossil fuels  5. a great deal of/scores of  6. put up with the pollution  7. make a difference  8. on the whole/ roughly  9. as much as five degrees celsius (5°c)  10. come about
part 3 complete the following sentences according to the texts.
1. run out   2. compared to most natural changes  3. no doubt; fierce debate over; human activity that; just a natural phenomenon  4. without; would be; cooler than it is  5. increased amount; means; causing; global temperature to go up 6. a scientist called; who; accurate measurements of  7. it is; resulting in  8. attitudes; towards this issue  9. individuals; effect on such; environmental  10. importantly; with; about  11. contribution counts
part 4 multiple choice
1-5 badcc  6-10 acbdd
part 5
part 6 reading: fill in the blanks after reading the passage according to the letter(s) given.
it is almost known to all that smoking is bad for people’s health. scientific researchers show that smoking can lead to heart disease, cancer and other problems. the world health organization says diseases linked to smoking kill at least two million five-hundred-thousand persons each year.



