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新课标英语高三上模块十Unit 4 Learning Efficiently

新课标英语高三上模块十unit 4 learning efficiently
period 1 reading
teaching goals
ⅰ. teaching aims:
1. enable the students to realize that different language learning strategies are taken by individuals.
2. introduce to the students several aspects of being a successful and efficient reader
ⅱ. teaching important points:
  get the students to know how to be a successful and efficient reader and work out a program to improve their reading
ⅲ. teaching difficult points:
  enable the students to use the information mentioned in the reading part to evaluate their reading and work out an improvement strategic program.
ⅳ. teaching methods:
cooperative learning, task-based learning
ⅴ. teaching aids:
 a computer, a blackboard, a tape-record
ⅵ. teaching procedures:
stepⅰ lead-in
1. greetings
2. show them a calculation question “ 1+2+3+…+100=?” the students surely will respond immediately with an answer 5050. ask them who first worked out the problem in the world with a much easier solution. (a ten-year-old boy (高斯(c.f. gauss ) worked out the problem assigned by the teacher in a few seconds.)
3.get a conclusion: from this example, we know the significance of method.  right methods can always help improve the efficiency of solving  problems. as to our study, we can also apply certain methods or strategies to make ourselves an efficient learner.

step ⅱ warming-up
1. assign exercise 1. discuss ss’ answers.
1. set exercise 2. 
2. ask ss to help you make a list on the board of readon for learning english, for example:
 to pass an exam
 to get into university for further study in english
 to read books in english
 for travel purposes
 to get a better job
3. having written the list, go through the most popular reasons for learning english and ask what skills they will need in order to succeed.
4. assign exercise 2.
5. when ss have completed their graphs, asks them to discuss with a partner whether they consider they are giving the right amount of time to each language area according to their reasons for studying english.

step ⅲ reading
1. ask ss to discuss the six groups of question in exercise 1. spend some time checking their answers and reinforcing the ideas outlined above.
2. set exercise 2. 

step ⅳ reading
1. ask the ss to read the text on their own, keeping in mind that their reason for reading the text is to complete the first exercise in comprehending. in order to discourage ss from reading in more detail than they need at the end of the exercise, give them a set time for read the passage and complete exercise 1. advise them not to look up unknown words in their dictionary, but to underline any they cannot work out the meaning for.



