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:Unit4《Making the news》教案

7. a scoop=  独家新闻 = an important or exciting news story that is printed in one newspaper before any of the others know about it
8. a trick of trade   = clever ways known to expert  职业的诀窍
play a trick on sb = make fun of sb / play a joke on sb
9. accuse sb. of dong sth. / having done sth. = to charge sb. with a shortcoming or an error.
he accused the man of having committed a crime.
 man often accuses nature for his own misfortunes.
they accused him of taking bribes.
 9.  getting the wrong end of the stick (弄错/ 误解)
i had meant to tell you to come here at 3 o’clock ,not at six ,you must get the wrong end of the stick .             
 10.  …deliberately….  adv
deliberate  adj   深思熟虑的/蓄意的/ 不慌不忙的
        vt / vi   仔细考虑/ 商议
he is walking deliberately .         他在不慌不忙地走着.
11 so as to 为了../ 目的是
so as to do sth  ---- so as not to do sth  不用于句首, 在句中作目的状语
in order to do sth  ---- in order not to do sth  用于句首或句末 作目的状语
we started early so as to get there before noon.
we started early in order to get there before noon.  = ……so that / in order that we can get there …


