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The United Kingdom教案

                                   the most influential book in my life
     jane gives us the outline of the book, the story of my life by helen keller. the book is filled with courage, struggle and faith throughout, which affects jane's life most influentially, and she expects herself to be courageous as helen keller.
     books really have good or bad influence on one's growth. to me, the book named monkey king by wu chengen is the most influential book in my life. the monkey king, sun wukong, had a bitter experience of helping his master overcome a great many difficulties in order to get good results. in fact, failure is a common thing in life. but there are different attitudes towards failure. years ago, i had a bad attitude towards my failure. however, i have had a good attitude towards failure since i read the book. now, i don't mind failure because it isn't indeed a bad matter, which tells us how to approach our goal. whenever i am faced with great difficulties, i never say easily, "i will give up!"
     good books are both important and beneficial to the character development and personal growth of the young people. this is what i have got from my experience.



