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Unit2 Healthyeating(Period6 Usinglanguage:Speakingandwriting)

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Unit2 Healthyeating(Period6 Usinglanguage:Speakingandwriting)


Unit 2 Healthy eating(Period 6 Using language: Speaking and writing)

→step 2 warming up by debating
1. let students review the following expressions:
agreement and disagreement
i don’t agree.   of course not.   i don’t think so.
all right.   that’s a good idea.   no problem.
certainly/sure.   yes, i think so.   i’m afraid not.
2. divide the class into two parts: one for mcdonald’s; the other against mcdonald’s.
3. ask each group to find as much as information they will need from listening task and reading task.
4. they start their debate.
→step 3 speaking and writing
1. let students in groups discuss the following questions:
1)what food must you eat to have a balanced diet?
2)how much should you eat each day?
2. let them review the following expressions:
suggestions and advice
you must/must not. . .
what should i do?
i think you ought to. . .
i suppose you had better. . .
perhaps you should. . .
do you think you could give me some advice?
3. imagine they are planning to open a restaurant. let them in groups discuss how to run the business and give each other suggestions and advice.
4. have them write a short passage to advertise their restaurant and its services.
→step 4 writing task
ask students to imagine the old local restaurant has gone and write an article describing what they think should be built on the land instead of a mcdonald’s restaurant.
1. let them read the example on page 54.
2. advise them they should arrange the structure of their article in the following order:
1)describe the new design
2)draw a plan
3)explain the advantages of their idea
→step 5 homework
1. finish off the workbook exercises.
2. write the two articles in your exercise book.

unit 2 healthy eating
speaking and writing
suggestions and advice agreement and disagreement
what should we do?
shall we. . . ?  how about. . . ?
you’d better. . . .  you might. . . .
you must/mustn’t. . . .  i suggest that you. . . .
i think you ought to. . . .  perhaps you should. . . .
you need/needn’t. . . .
you have to/don’t have to. . . .
my advice is/would be. . . .
i would strongly advised you to. . . .
it might be a good idea to. . . . i’m not sure that!
you could be right, but. . . .
(i’m afraid)i don’t agree.
i agree up to a point, but. . . .
that’s an interesting idea, but. . . .
dou you really think. . . ?
rubbish! /nonsense!
you can’t be serious!
actually, /as a matter of fact, i think. . . .
that’s not how i see it.
step 1 look up words related to food and drink in the dictionary or surf the internet to find as many as you can to make a list and divide them into groups by energy-giving food, body-building food and protective food.



Unit2 Healthyeating(Period6 Usinglanguage:Speakingandwriting)
