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ArtPeriod2 LanguageStudy

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ArtPeriod2 LanguageStudy


Art Period 2 Language Study

(2)the subjunctive mood with a prepositional phrase “without...” in place of the “if” clause.
3.some difficult and long sentences in the text.
step 1 revision
1.check the homework exercises.
2.ask some students to tell the styles of western art.
step 2 reading and finding
get students to read through warming up,pre-reading,reading,comprehending and learning about language to underline all the new words and useful expressions or collocations in these parts.read them aloud and copy them down in the exercise book.
step 3 practice for useful words and expressions
1.turn to page 4.go through the exercises in discovering useful words and expressions with students and make sure they know what to do.
2.give students several minutes to finish the exercises.they first do them individually,and then discuss and check them with their partners.
3.check the answers with the whole class and explain the problems they meet where necessary.
step 4 vocabulary study
a typical picture at this time was full of religious symbols,which created a feeling of respect and love for god.
(1)this is a typical example of roman pottery.这是一件典型的罗马陶器。
(2)a typical working day for me begins at 7:30.我的工作日一般在7:30 开始。
(3)on a typical day,we receive about 50 letters.我们通常一天收到大约50 封信。
typical  adj. 意思是“典型的,有代表性的;一贯的,平常的”;常用短语 typical of sb./sth.。
这是有当地风味的饭菜。this meal is ______ of local cookery.
suggested answer:typical
during the renaissance,new ideas and values gradually replaced those held in the middle ages.
(1)can anything replace a mother's love and care?
(2)sending e-mail has almost taken the place of writing letters.
(3)i don't think anyone could take her place.我认为无人能取代她的位置。
replace v. 意思是“代替,取代”,相当于take the place of/take one's place。
take place发生,举行
take one's place就座,入座;接替某人的位置
in place在适当的位置
out of place在不适当的位置
in place of 代替
(1)natural methods of pest control are now ______ chemicals.
(2)the kitchen was spotlessly clean,with nothing ______.
suggested answers:(1)taking the place of (2)out of place


ArtPeriod2 LanguageStudy
