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First aid(The Third Period)

4. if the woman had opened the window when cooking, she would not have been gas-poisoned.
5. if the worker had not put the ladder on a wet floor, he wouldn't have fallen down the ladder and broken his leg.
6. if the little girl had not got too close to the lake, she would not have drowned.
7. if the baby's mother had not left the small pieces of the toy on the floor, the baby wouldn't have put them in her mouth.
t: you've done very well. but that's not enough. let's do another practice. turn to page 62 and finish ex 2 quickly.
(ss prepare for a few minutes and then the teacher checks the answers.)
suggested answers:
1. a is→it/is→it
2. a didn't choose→hadn't chosen
3. b would have left→would have been left
4. b was found→had been found
5. c turned off→ (should) turn off
t: good. you must learn the sentence patterns by heart after class.
step v consolidation
t: ok. let's do one more practice to consolidate what we've learnt today. look at the screen, please.
    (show the following on the screen. )
fill in the blanks with suitable words
  would have   could have   should have    need have  
1. a: i didn't realise learning english was so difficult. i want to give it up.
  b: you        succeeded if you had worked hard.
2. a: when did you arrive?
  b: friday evening.
a: you        called sooner.
  b: i thought you were busy.
  a: i       taken a few days off. you see, i've booked a hotel room for you.
  b: you      done that. i can easily find a place to stay in.
  a: if you had told me earlier on the phone, i        taken the trouble.
  b: well, thanks anyway.
    (ss prepare for about three minutes and then the teacher checks the answers.)
  suggested answers:
   1. could have
   2. should have; would have; needn't have; wouldn't have
  step ⅵ summary and homework
  t: today, we've reviewed the important words we learnt in the reading passage and we've also learnt the subjunctive mood. we've done much practice, too. after class, try to use the words more often to remember them and learn the subjunctive mood sentence patterns by heart tomorrow we'll read more about first aid. please get ready for it that's all ~or today. see you tomorrow
 ss: see you tomorrow
step ⅶ the design of the writing on the blackboard


