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Module 4 Music Born in America

   a. have the advantage of     b. take the advantage of
   c. be to it’s advantage of     d. take advantage of

(6) the new style soon spread to other parts of the united states. 这种风格很快就传到了美国的其它地方。   
spread to + n      ……传到了……地方
eg that the news spread to his home is not a good business.
spread through / across / from … to
 eg  ① the illness spread through the whole village.
   ② the fire spread from the factory the houses nearby.
2. ask ss to translate the following phrases.
(1) cultural movement   (2) block parties   (3) especially
(4) four main aspects   (5) come from the term … (6) the percussion breaks
(7) at the time     (8) on two turntables  (9) side by side
(10) at the same time   (11) the moment …   (12) be bored with
(13) be in decline    (14) a strong beat   (15) take advantage of …
(16) add their vocals   (17) the next generation of …  (18) the capital of hip hop
(19) spread to / across …  (20) be based in …    (21) a mixture of …
(22) music play on computer
suggested answers:
(1) 文化运动     (2) 街区舞会     (3) 尤其是
(3) 四个主要的元素   (5) 来源于……的术语   (6) 打击乐
(1) 当时      (8) 在两个唱盘上    (9) 肩并肩,一起……
(10) 同时     (11) 一……就……    (12) 对……厌烦
(13) 走下坡路    (14) 节奏强烈    (15) 利用
(16) 加进他们的声音   (17) 下一代……    (18) 嬉蹦乐之都
(19) 传播到某个地方   (20) 驻足在……    (21) ……的混合物
(22) 电脑上播放的音乐
3. ask ss to listen to the tape and fill in the missing words.
all you need to know about hip hop
part 1
what is hip hop and how did it start?
hip hop is an american (1) ___________________ which started in the 1970s at block parties in new york, (2) ___________________ in a district called the bronx. there are four main (3) ___________________ of hip hop: breakdance and graffiti art plus two types of hip hop music – dj-ing and rapping. rapping (4) ______________________ mc-ing (coming from the term master of ceremonies). the djs at block parties in the 1970s played a lot of soul music and they (5) ________________ that people (6) __________________ the percussion breaks in the songs because they were the best parts to dance to. so they started repeating the percussion breaks. this is a (7) _________________ used by djs in jamaica. there were a lot of jamaicans in new york who (8) _____________________. at first, they played a lot of reggae.



