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Great scientists(Period 5 Grammar)

2.cleaning women in big cities get __________ (pay) by the hour.3.most of the people __________ (invite)to the party didn’t turn up because of the heavy rain.4.who is the man __________ (talk)to our headmaster?5.the professor __________ (pay) a visit to our school is from beijing university.6.the__________ (die) man was immediately taken to hospital.7.the soldiers got off the truck and moved the __________ (fall) tree away from the high way.8.we __________ (surprise) to find that few of the students did the experiment well.suggested answers: 1~8: played, paid, invited, talking, paying, dying, fallen, surprisedstep 6 consolidationt: in this period, we mainly focus on the past participle used as the attribute and the predicative.after class, would you please write a passage containing past participles and present participles, which shows that you have known how to use past participles properly?besides, you will also have to finish the exercises on page 44 ex 1-2 using the past participle.

the design of the writing on the blackboard

unit 1 great scientists

period 5 grammarpast participles used as the attributepast participles used as the predicative1.it is one of the questions discussed at the meeting yesterday.2.his letter, addressed to the wrong number, reached me late.3.the audience, moved by his speech, all voiced support for his suggestion.4.basketball, first played in the usa, is now an interesting sport.1.he got worried about losing the money.2.why do you always look so tired?3.i was disappointed with the film i saw last night.i had expected it to be better.4.everybody was astonished to hear the death of the famous film star.5.the children are really excited about going to the zoo.

research and activitiessuppose you are mayor of wuxi.find out measures to stop pollution.please use the past participle as the attribute and the predicative.nowadays everyone in wuxi is worried about the environment.the air is polluted.the water is polluted.we can not breathe the polluted air any more.let’s take action—students should use their imagination and creativity to continue the writing.

reference for teaching

现在分词和过去分词的区别现在分词和过去分词主要差别在于: 现在分词表示“主动和进行”, 过去分词表示“被动和完成”(不及物动词的过去分词不表示被动, 只表示完成)。分词可以有自己的状语、宾语或逻辑主语等。1.单个分词作定语一般放在被修饰之前(有些单个过去分词作宾语时, 也可放在被修饰词之后), 如: 分词短语作定语一般放在被修饰词之后, 有时可用定语从句代替。单个分词作前置定语表示被修饰词所发出的动作, 即分词动作的逻辑主语是它修饰的词。如: 



