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Unit 1 Festivals around the world 教案

ss: sure. such as look at the picture, hear from my friends, listen to the radio and so on.
t: ok. now turn to page 4, ex. 4. you are to make some sentences of your own, using the words given.
s1. i’m looking forward to hearing form my friend
s2: we are talking about verbs.
s3: would you like to talk with me?
s4: who can think of an effective solution to the problem?
s5: please think about my proposal.
step ⅲ useful structures
t: let’s come to the next part. this part is about modal verbs. you are to read the sentences in ex. 1 and then to find out and write down different sentences with modal verbs form the reading passage and try to explain their meanings. if you have any difficulty in understanding them you can refer to grammar in pages 92---94
step ⅳ summing up and home work
t: boys and girls, today we have practiced useful words and phrases of this unit and the usage of modal verbs. i think it is not easy for you to master them, after class you should review them.
1. practice of wbp42ex.1,2,3.
2. please find out10 sentences with modal verbs, and try to get their meanings.

the fourth period listening
teaching aims:
1. vocabulary: go with, the big bands, musicians, over and over again, for sale, get used to, the winners of this year’s awards for the best costumes
2. enable the students to know how to get the key words to understand the conversation about the carnival parade, to talk about sth happened and express request and thanks.
 step ⅰ revision
after checking the wb ex. 1,2,3 the teacher ask the students to give examples about modal verbs and try to explain them.
step ⅱ warming up
t: by the way, what’s the topic of this unit?
ss: festivals around the world.
t: would you like to know something more about festivals around the world?
ss: of course.
t: now i will show you several pictures. what’s the festival called?
ss: carnival.
t: yes. this class we will listen to a dialogue about carnivals. first look through the four questions in listening part to find out the listening points.
step ⅲ listening
t: i will play the tape for you twice. please listen carefully and pay much attention to the important points. for the first time you are to make notes beside the questions. for the second time, you should write down the answers and then check them with your partners.
( it’s important to encourage the students to adapt their present knowledge any
skill to a variety of situations wherever they can. make sure to allow various



