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Unit 2  Growing pains学案

you are not supposed to smoke on the bus. 你不可以在公共汽车上抽烟。
1. ––– you should apologize to her, barry.
  ––– ______, but it’s not going to be easy. (浙江)
  a. i suppose so      b. i feel so      c. i prefer to    d. i like to
2. the train _______ arrive at 1:30, but it was an hour late.
a. was about to             b. was likely to
c. was supposed to          d. was certain to
3. ––– why didn’t you keep your words, billy?
––– sorry, dear. but i really forgot where i was ______ to meet you.
a. demanded      b. imagined       c. supposed       d. guessed
4. the professor also mentioned an article _______ by zhu ziqing.
a. supposed to have been written        b. supposed to be written
c. supposing to have been written        d. supposing to be written

3. this is not a family where bad behavior goes unpunished and you …这个家可不是一个对不良行为听之任之的地方,而你……
go unpunished in the phrase go unpunished, go is a linking verb meaning ‘be or remain in a particular and usually undesirable state’. 不受惩罚
go + 过去分词
her decision ________________________. 她的决定未引起异议。
her complaints ________________________. 他的抱怨未引起注意。
it is necessary not to let errors ____________________. 有了错误就必须纠正。
on hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine, she          pale.
a. got   b. changed       c. went     d. appeared

4. listen to me young man ---remember the day when we left you in charge? 听我说年轻人——还记得那一天我们将这个家委托你负责的吗?
leave 用作使役动词,表示“使某人/某物继续处于某种状态,听任,让……做……”,其后可以接名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、现在分词、过去分词、不定式等作宾语的补足语,构成“leave + 复合宾语”结构。
jack’s father died, _____________________________.杰克的父亲去世了,使他成为孤儿。
who was it that ____________________________? 是谁让门开着?
her mother walked off and _______________________________,crying. 她妈妈走了,让她一个人孤零零地坐在那里哭泣。
she ______________________________. 她托我照顾她的婴儿。

5. eric sits on his bed looking at daniel, who has his arms crossed and looks angry.埃里克坐在床上,瞧着双臂交叉、一脸怒气的丹尼尔。



