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教学内容:Fact and fantasy

supporters of underground development say that building down rather that building up is good way to use the earth’s space. the surface, they say, can be used for farms, parks, gardens, and wilderness. h.g. wells’ “moon people” would agree. would you?
1. the explorers in h.g. wells’ story were surprised to find that the“moon people”______.
a. knew so much about the earth b. understood their language
c. lived in so many underground cities d. were ahead of them in space technology
2. what does the underlined word “it” (paragraph 2) refer to?
a. discovering the moon’s inner again. b. using the earth’s inner space.
c. meeting the “moon people” again. d. travelling to outer space.
3. what sort of underground systems are already here with us?
a. offices, shopping areas, power stations.
b. tunnels, car parks, shopping areas.
c. gardens, car parks, power stations.
d. tunnels, gardens, offices.
4. what would be the best title for the text?
a. alice cities—cities of the future. b. space travel with h.g. wells.
c. enjoy living underground. d. building down, not up.

1. fill in the chart on the next page and make a sketch of the animal as they saw.
sketch [sket ] n.
①rough quickly-made drawing, without many details素描;速写;草图
②make a sketch of … 作一个……的速写 eg:
he was good at making a sketch of face. 他擅长作面部素描。
③short account or description, giving only basic details 简短的陈述或素描
④give a sketch of …概述…… eg:
please give a sketch of your plans. 请概述一下你的计划。
2. description [di′skrip n] n. describing; picture in words 描述;描绘
(1)give sb. a brief description of …向某人简要地描述…… eg:
can you give me a brief description of what has happened?
(2)beyond description 难以描述 eg:
her beauty is beyond description. 她的美貌难以用语言来描述。
(3)give/make a description of …对……加以描述 eg:
he made a description of the thief.他描述了小偷的模样。
(4)describe[di′skraib] v. say what sb./sth. is like; depict sth. in words 描述某人/某事物。常构成describe sb./sth. (to/for sb.) eg:
words cannot describe the beauty of the scene.那景色之美难以言传。
3. why does sam need to know the time? 为什么萨姆需要知道时间?
(1)need作情态动词,通常用于疑问句、否定句、条件句、whether/if名词从句或含否定意义的句子中。 eg:
i do not see why we need discuss it further.



