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教学内容:Fact and fantasy

several thin layers of clothing will keep you warmer than a thick one.
②person who lays sth. on… 铺设者
17. marble [′ma bl]
(1)n. types of hard limestone used, when cut and polished, for building and sculpture 大理石 eg:
these steps are made of marble. 这些台阶是大理石建造的。
(2) marbles (pl.) collection of marble sculptures; works of art in marble 大理石雕刻品;大理石艺术品
(3)adj. like marble 像大理石的 eg:
she has marble skin. 她有着大理石般光洁的皮肤。
18. paraphrase [′p r freiz]
(1)v. express the meaning of (a piece of writing, statement, etc.) in different words, esp. in order to make it easier to understand将(一段文字等)释义或意译(尤指为易于理解) eg:
he paraphrased a speech in colloquial english.
(2)n. rewording of a piece of writing, statement, etc. , especially in order to make it easier to understand (对一段文字等的)释义,意义(尤指为易于理解) eg:
the paraphrase of the sonnet is easy to understand.
19. definition [ defi′ni n] [u] n. stating the exact meaning (of words, etc.)(词语等的)释义 eg:
dictionary writers must be skilled in ther art of definition.
20. misbehave [ misbi′heiv] v. behave badly or improperly 行为不端;举止不当 eg:
she misbehaved. 她行为不端。
21. subtitle [′s btaitl] n. (usu. pl. 通常作复数) (esp. cinema 尤用于电影)
words printed on a film that translate the dialogue of a foreign film, give those of a silent film or (on television) supply dialogue for deaf viewers 字幕 eg:
without the subtitles i would not understand the film.
22. interchangeable [ int t eind bl] adj. that can be interchanged, esp. without affecting the way in which sth. works 可交换的,可互换的,可交替的(尤指不影响操作的) eg:
the two words are interchangeable. 这两个单词是可互换的。
23. underpants [′ nd p nts] n. short undergarment worn by men and boys covering the lower part of the body(男用)内裤 eg:
he stood there in his underpants. 他只穿内裤站在那儿。
24. study law study 研究;学习;求学。 study law意为“研究法律”,law前不加冠词,类似的用法还有study medicine“研究医学”。 eg:
he wanted to study law. 他想学法律。
25. make a living与make one’s living意为“谋生”,这里的make也可换成earn/gain/get。在表达“靠做……以谋生”之意时,常用短语earn/gain/get/make a/one’s living by doing sth./as a…。 eg:
before liberation, her grandfather made a/his living by working for a land owner.解放前,她爷爷靠给一个地主干活为生。


