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Cultural relics教案1

(4) please tell me the way _____ you did the job.
  a. how   b. where   c. which   d. in which
(5) is this museum ____ some german friends visited the day before yesterday?
  a. the one   b. which   c. that   d. where
(6) the farmer uses wood to build a house ____ to store grain.
  a. in which   b. where   c. that   d. with which
(7) i shall never forget the years _____ i spent in the country with the farmers, ____ has a great effect on my life.
  a. when; which   b. that; which   c. when; that   d. which; that
(8) little has been done ____ is helpful to our work.
  a. that  b. what   c. which   d. all that
(9) perhaps this is the only market ____ you can get such cheap goods.
  a. that   b. of which   c. by which   d. where
(10) we'll put off the outing until next week, ____ we won't be so busy.
  a. when   b. which   c. at which   d. in that
suggested answers:
(1) b  (2) b  (3) c  (4) d  (5) a  (6) a  (7) b  (8) a  (9) d  (10)a
4. ask ss to finish ex3 (p4) and ex4(p4)
suggested answers:
1.here are the farmers who discovered the underground city last month.
2. hangzhou is famous city in china, where many people come to buy tea.
3.i don’t know the reason why she got so angry.
4. the old man, whom you are talking to, saw some germans taking apart the amber room and removing it.
5.the woman remembered the day when she saw nazis burying something near her home.
6.st petersburg is a very beautiful city, which was once called leningrad.
7.i remember the soldier who told me not to tell anyone what i had seen.
8.the soldiers moved the boxes to a mine, where they wanted to hide them.
9.xi’an is one of the few cities whose city walls remain as good as before.
10.shanxi province is a place whose/where cultural relics are well looked after.
1. whose daughter studies in a key university
2. who discovered the terracotta warriors
3. which was decorated with valuable jewels
4. where she can learn about former dynasties
5. which was drawn by a famous artist in the tang dynasty
6. which is very beautiful
7. when we get together to celebrate
8. that i can’t remember
9. which is known for its its good food
10. when the weather was warm and sunny
periods 5  using language


