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Unit2 Healthyeating(Period3 Learningaboutlanguage:Grammar)

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Unit2 Healthyeating(Period3 Learningaboutlanguage:Grammar)


Unit 2 Healthy eating(Period 3 Learning about language: Grammar)

2. preview the reading passage come and eat here(2) on page 14, find the sentences in which modal verbs are used, and see if you can understand the situations.
→step 1 revision
1. check the homework exercises.
2. translate the following into english.
2)应该; 应当
3)减肥; 体重减轻
4)被放过; (做坏事)不受惩罚
5)说谎; 撒谎
6)到了这个时候, 他的餐馆本该宾客盈门的。
8)要是李昌不像往常那样来他的餐馆吃饭, 那问题就严重了。
→step 2 warming up by asking and answering
let students work in pairs. one asks a question. the other answers it. remind them to use modal verbs they have learned in their answers.
s1: what should you do after school?
s2: i have to go home at once. i need to take the bus. i should do my homework as soon as i get home.
→step 3 discovering useful structures
ask students to underline the sentences containing modal verbs in the reading passage and use the function words below to explain the meaning of the modal verbs.
intention duty permission possibility guessing ability
→step 4 learning the use of ought to
1. ask students to turn to page 91 and learn the part 6 ought by themselves.
2. encourage them to ask as many questions as possible. give them explanations if necessary.
3. let them do some additional exercises.
4. sum up.
→step 5 practice
ask students to finish the following exercises within 8 minutes. then check the answers with the whole class.
1. exercise 2 in discovering useful structures on page 13.
2. exercise 1 in using structures on page 50.
→step 6 consolidation
let students work in pairs to choose one of the situations below and develop it into a conversation. make sure they use as many modal verbs as possible.
1. your friend sees someone steal a purse from an old lady’s pocket. he/she does nothing but is very worried about this. he/she comes up to you for your advice. what would you tell him/her to do?
2. your friend has borrowed your mobile phone and lost it while he was out with his friends. you are very angry with him. he is not concerned. what are you going to say to each other?
→step 7 homework
1. finish off the workbook exercises.
2. practice your conversation with your partner and be ready to present it to the class.

unit 2 healthy eating
the use of ought to
use examples
ought无人称和时态的变化, 后接带to的动词不定式。ought to可表示“义务”“要求”或“劝告”, 常译作“应该”“应当”等, 和should差不多, 只是语气稍重一些; 有时表示“非常可能”的意思。否定式为ought not to(oughtn’t to), 疑问式为ought i/you/. . . to. . . ? (1)there is something i ought to tell you before you leave.



Unit2 Healthyeating(Period3 Learningaboutlanguage:Grammar)
