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2 mime sweeping the floor. tell the pupils on monday i sweep the floor. on tuesday i sweep i sweep the floor. on wednesday …, etc. until i finish the whole week. put a tick under each day of the week to show the pupils the meaning of always sweep the floor. write always on the board.
3 then mime another chore and say, e.g. i never water the plants. write never on the board.
4 mime another chore. say i set the table on monday, tuesday, thursday, friday and sunday. tell the pupils i usually set the table. write usually on the board. repeat this process with another chore using three days of the week.
5 ask several pupils when they do household chores. record their responses on the board and make sentences about them using always, usually, sometimes or never.
1 show transparency and play the pupil’s book cassette. the pupils listen and follow in their books. continue to play the cassette and ask the pupils to repeat the words after the beeps.
2 show the pupils the schedule for helping at home. ask the pupils to tell me about the types of household jobs in the small pictures at the top of the schedule.
3 count with the pupils how many times mum, dad and pat do each of the household jobs. ask the pupils to tell me the correct words from the board to describe the frequency, e.g. dad always washes the dishes.
4 in pairs, the pupils role-play the conversation between pat and tim.
play a memory game
tell the pupils to study the schedule very carefully. then tell them to close their books. divide the class into two teams. tell them they will get points for their team if they can answer my questions. ask about the people and how they help at home, e.g. how does pat’s dad help at home? award a point for each correct answer that includes always, usually, sometimes or never.
ask and answer
tell the pupils to work in pairs to ask and answer questions about how they help at home.
copybook (p.26-p.27)
要注意多强调和练习always, usually, sometimes 和never的用法,并让学生结合自己的实际练习提问和回答how do you /does he/she help at home?这个句型。

the third period
revision and practice
how do you help at home?
i always/usually/sometimes/never …
how does he/she help at home?
c storytime
1 point to the characters in the pictures and read their speech bubbles aloud. ask the pupils to point to the speech bubbles as i read them.
2 play the pupil’s book cassette for the pupils and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.



