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play a memory game
write the names of all the food the pupils know including the vegetables on the board. tell the pupils to look at the words for two minutes. then tell the pupils to put their heads down and close their eyes. rub off four words. ask the pupils to tell me what the missing words are. rub off some more and repeat the process.
recite the new words.
copybook (p.28-p.29)
要强调potato和tomato的复数形式,比较these, those和this, that的用法。

the second period
review the words in part a.
b say and act.
1. bring in a cap and a shopping bag.
2. display the pictures. write a shopping list on the left side of the board and a price list on the right. explain this to the children. tell the pupils that when i am wearing the cap i am the shopkeeper. when i am carrying the shopping bag, i am the customer.
3. role-play the conversation between the shopkeeper and the customer by myself. write the questions and answers on the board.
4. choose a pupil to come out and role-play the customer. change roles or ask another pupil to come out and role-play the shopkeeper.
5. ask the pupils to read out the sentences on the board.
1. show transparency and play the pupil’s book cassette. the pupils listen and follow in their books. continue to play the cassette and ask the pupils to repeat the words after the beeps.
2. show the pupils the prices in picture 3. point to the vegetables and ask how much are the …? the pupils reply these/those … are … yuan. they should use these for items close to the woman and those for items that are far from her.
3. read the speech bubbles in picture 4 with the pupils. tell the pupils that the customer wants to pay the total cost of the vegetables.
copybook (p.30-p.31)
这一课的名词都是以复数形式出现的,有一部分学生对它们的单数形式弄不清楚,比如cabbages的单数形式有的学生会错写成cabbag,tomatoes和potatoes的单数形式他们会错写成tomatoe和potatoe,一个洋葱他们会错写成a onion。

the third period
revision and practice
what are these?
what are those?
how much are the …?
they’re … yuan a kilo.
c storytime
1. point to the monkey and as the pupils what it is. ask the pupils what do monkeys like?
2. point to the characters in the pictures and read their speech bubbles aloud.
3. play the pupil’s book cassette for the pupils and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.
4. ask the pupils to come up and play the roles of the two shopkeepers, the monkey owner, the little boy and his mother.



