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课题名称 revision of  module 1-2 of  book 5

一、 单选
1 i was unable _____them of the truth of my story.
a satisfying b to satisfy   c to be satisfied   d to be satisfactory
2 he went to the american embassy many times to apply ___ his visa.
a with b in   c for   d at
3 the book didn’t ____ to children probably because she employed too many scientific
terms.  a apply   b suit   c intend   d adapt
4 the idea seems good ___, but some people doubt if it’ll work ____.
a in theory; in practice b in theory; in theory  
c in practice; in theory   d in practice; in practice
5 don’t take __ for granted that you didn’t pass the final exam.
a that b this   c it d one
6 they were just ___ the point of leaving the disco ____ a former schoolmate called them.    a on; while b in; while  c on ; when   d on; before
7 european football is played in 80 countries, ____ it the most popular sports in the world. a making   b males c made   d to make
8 he hurried to the station only __ that the train had left.
a to have found b finding c found d to find

二、 阅读理解
  last year my husband developed a terrible disease. dale became fearful of going anywhere alone or of being alone as some of his seizures(发作)were quite severe, even putting him in the hospital on three separate occasions.
  we decided that a trained medical service dog would greatly help dale. it would be a companion for dale, and the dog would be trained to stay with him. if he had a seizure, with a service dog beside a downed person, others could see and would be more likely to help.
  a local person sold us a black labrador puppy at a reduced price. nevaeh was eight weeks old when we got her. at that point, we turned to the local papers for help. we hoped that getting dale’s story out would help raise funds to pay for the puppy’s training. dale has been on disability, and his need to have someone with him at all times means i can not work either. we don’t have a lot of money left over at the end of the month.
  fundraising started off with the help of family donations, but we had a long way to go. then one day there was a knock at the door. i went to answer it; a stranger stood there holding the newspaper article about dale in her hand. she introduced herself as june and told me that her daughter’s dog had warned her of a cancer she never knew she had, probably saving her life. now, she felt obliged to help our dog because a dog had helped her. she shocked us when she gave us $100! we never expected such caring and kindness from a complete stranger.



