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课题名称 revision of  module 3-4 of  book 4
一、 单选题
1 english can help ____ people and make the stay in a foreign country easy and comfortable.
a agree with   b communicate  with   c communicate to   d write  to
2 --- what do you normally have for lunch?
--- well, i ____ from day to day.
a varies   b is varied  c  changes   d is changed
3 there were too many people ____ the matter.
a involving   b involving in   c involved   d involved in 
4 this is his only request that the room ____ after being used.
a be cleaned   b would be cleaned   c is cleaned   d will be cleaned
5 you’re really very kind. i’ll never forget the ___ you have done for me.
a favour   b deed  c help  d kind
6 ____ by a famous musician, the music sounds wonderful.
a performing   b to be performed c performed  d to perform
7  ____ ,carolina couldn’t get the door open.
a might she as try   b as she might try  c she might as try f  d try as she might
8 quantities of money   ___ spent in a bringing up his children.
a was  b has been   c have been   d were
9  no one can escape ___ in such a situation.
a die   b to die   c dying   d died
10 he can earn his   ____ by doing odd jobs.
a life   b live  c living  d alive
二 翻译句子

1 入乡随俗。( as)

2 并不是所有的身势语都是有意识的。(  not all )

3 我究竟能说些什么呢?( on earth )

4 各个学校的教学方法大不相同。( vary from  to )

5 大多数人都不明白写一本小说要花多少心血。( be involve in doing )

6 员工立即要求老板给他们加薪。( request )

7这个乐队本周将加演两场。( give --- performance )

8 他的儿子被推举为勤奋工作的榜样。( hold up as  )

9 他们正在森林里寻找失踪的孩子。( search  for )

10 卡车上发现藏有大量武器。( quantities of )

三、 阅读理解  (一篇难的胜过十篇简单的的效果。一定要多查词典。你一定会受益匪浅的。)
     today’s dad spends more hours on childcare than a dad a generation ago. but he still lags behind(落后于) the modern-day mom, even when her wages are equal, a new study reports. researchers found that the number of hours a mother spent at work had no effect on the amount of time a father devoted to childcare during the week. similarly, a mother’s income had very little influence on fathers’ involvement in childcare. on weekends, however, fathers spent more time with their children. despite women’s increasing role in the labor market, most mothers remain the primary caregivers of young children on weekdays.



