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总课时数 72-73 科目 高三英语 使用时间 .2
主备人 刘春花 使用人 
课题名称 高三英语第三次自测题

一、单项选择  (10分)
1. strangely, they forbade ______ such an interesting game.
 a. play   b. playing    c. to play   d. played
2. she was sitting on the floor _______ by books.
a. surrounding   b. surrounded   c. surrounds   d. having surrounded
3. i _____my distance from that dog, if i were you.
a. would keep   b. keep   c. had kept   d. will keep
4. i’ve ______ all my pockets but i still can’t find my key to my bike.
a. found   b. looked for    c. searched for   d. gone through
5. some children were seen ______ in the garden all the morning. it must have been ________ who picked flowers.
a. playing; they   b. to play; they   c. playing; them   d. play; them
6. ----- i can’t find my pen.
  ----- you ______ it in the classroom.
a. must leave          b. must forget  
c. must have forgotten   d. must have left.
7. i suggested that he should ______ himself _____ his new conditions.
a. adapt; to   b. be used; to   c. adapt; for   d. be used for
8. if time ______, i’ll go and see you.
a. permitted   b. permitting    c. permits   d. to permit
9. you may take ______ you like.
 a. whatever   b. no matter what   c. no matter which   d. wherever
10. stand over there ______ you’ll be able to see the oil painting better.
a. but    b. till   c. and   d. so

the bell rang loudly. everybody packed their school bags and got ready to go home. when the __11___ dismissed the children, __12__lined up in two rows and walked orderly to the school gate.
  usually david’s ___13__would fetch him home form school but today she was not there. david waited for 15 minutes ___14___ he walked home.
  when he reached home, he knocked on the __15_ as he did not bring his keys. surprisingly, no one answered the door. david __16___ his mother was in the toilet so waited patiently for his mother. after a few minutes there was _17_ no response(反应). just as he was about to go to the nearby coffee shop where his father worked to _18__ the key, he heard the __19__ voice of his neighbour, john.



