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ⅰ. 单项填空
1. the little girl was ________losing her life,but she is now ________.
a. in the danger of;out of danger
b. in danger of;out of the danger
c. in the danger of;out of the danger
d. in danger of;out of danger
解析:选d。in danger(of)表示“处境危险,有……的危险”;out of danger意为“脱离危险”。注意在这两个介词短语中,danger前习惯上不用冠词。
2. he was at a ________what to say to the teacher’s question—obviously he was  ________in thought just now.
a. loss;losing        b. loss;lost
c. losing;lost                 d. lost;loss
解析:选b。第一个空考查固定词组at a loss,意为“困惑,不知所措”。第二个空考查固定搭配be lost in. . . “沉迷于……”。
3. teacher’s words and deeds ________a great effect ________their students.
a. have; on  b. give; to
c. make; in  d. take; to
解析:选a。have an effect on/upon sb. /sth. =influence sb. /sth. 对……影响,起作用;give effect to使生效;take effect生效,奏效。
4. the exam he paid no attention to  ________ him the chance to go to college.
a. being cost  b. be cost
c. costing     d. cost
解析:选d。本题考查非谓语动词用法。此句主语为the exam,he paid no attention to作the exam的定语从句,此处缺少谓语动词,故选d。
5. (XX年北京市东城区模拟)none of them had expected that the middle­aged engineer died ______ his design uncompleted.
a. with   b. from
c. out    d. of
6. —how are the team playing?
—they’re playing well,but one of them  ________ hurt.
a. got     b. had
c. turned   d. become
解析:选a。get hurt受伤,侧重动作,且动作发生在过去,故应用一般过去时。
7. more and more trees should be planted in spring to  ________ sandstorms happening frequently.
a. protect  b. prevent
c. keep    d. care
解析:选b。keep/prevent. . . from doing“阻止……”,在主动语态中prevent后的from可省略,而keep后的from不能省略。故b项正确。
8. —is it  ________ that our team will win?
—yes,that is for  ________.
a. sure;certain       b. certain;sure
c. made sure;certain  d. made certain;sure
解析:选b。it is certain that. . . 句型中只用certain不用sure。sure的主语是人或物,for sure肯定地。
9. too much drinking will do ________ to your health;you should take the doctor’s advice.
a. harm    b. trouble



