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A world of fun教案

unit22  a world of fun
                             ---theme parks(reading)
teaching aims:
1. improve the students reading ability.
2. learn to talk about theme parks.
teaching important points:
1. how to help the students further understand the text.
2. finish the relevant tasks on the basis of further understanding of the text.

teaching steps:
step1: lead-in
show some disney cartoon pictures on the screen.
t: have you ever seen these pictures before? and do you like these cartoon characters of disneyland?
ss:yes, they are very lovely.
t:maybe we’ve seen these characters on tv, in books, etc. have you ever imagine travelling in the world full of these lovely cartoon characters?
ss: of course, disneyland---our longing place.
t: frankly disneyland is just one of many theme parks,now maybe some of you will ask what is a theme park and what we can do in a theme park. take it easy,it’s coming,and that is what we are going to learn this period.

step2: fast reading
t:turn to our text book on p66. please scan the text as soon as possible and find out the answers to the given questions on the screen.
a. what is a theme park?
b. how many theme parks mentioned in text and what are they?
(after 3 or 4 minutes, ask two ss to answer the questions.)
2)judging t or f
t: do t or f exercises according to your prevision.
3)gerneral understanding:
t:go through the text again and divide the text into three parts.besides,think of the main idea for each part.
sa: para1: general introduction on what a theme park is.
sb:para2-3: introduction to some famous theme parks.
sc:para4: summary: what a future theme park may be.

step3:careful reading
t: now,let’s begin our imaginary journey to theme parks. firstly,we will come to the world park and the china ethnic culture park. listen to the tape carefully and find out what we can do at these two theme parks.
after listening, ask students to find out the things we can enjoy at these two theme parks according to the pictures shown on the screen.
sa: it seems that we can travel around the world in one day with a little money. what a exciting experience it may be!
t: you’re smart. so much for the first paragraph, let’s go on our journey: ocean park in hongkong.(listen to the text.) can you talk something about ocean park and most parks?
sc:vistors can find all the rides and attractions that can be found in most parks and find the chances to learn about life in the ocean.



