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Unit1 Festivalsaroundtheworld(Period5 Usinglanguage:Extensivereading)

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Unit1 Festivalsaroundtheworld(Period5 Usinglanguage:Extensivereading)


Unit 1 Festivals around the world (Period 5 Using language: Extensive reading)

unit 1 festivals around the world

period 5 using language: extensive reading
this is the fifth teaching period of this unit. as usual, the teacher should check students’ homework and offer chances for them to go over what they learned in the last period at the beginning of the class. then lead in the new lesson.
in this period, the teaching emphasis will be put on developing students’ reading ability by reading extensively. we will deal with two articles: a sad love story in using language on page 7 and winter carnival in quebec in reading task on page 44. while reading, get students learning to use some reading strategies such as skimming, scanning, and so on. as to new words and phrases, the teacher can first find those students feel most difficult and help them to understand. that’s enough here. the purpose of a sad love story is to introduce a cross-cultural view of lovers’ festivals—qiqiao festival and valentine’s day. it is set in a present-day context that students can relate to, and respond to. the teacher can first talk about the famous chinese sad love story of zhinu and niulang to lead in the topic and then ask students to read the passage and do some comprehending exercises. while checking their answers with the whole class, deal with language problems students can’t work out by themselves. this is an extensive reading lesson, so the teaching steps should be simple. as to the part reading task, its purpose is to introduce students to the winter carnival in quebec, and to further their understanding of the reasons that people need to have festivals and what is done at them. ask students to read through the passage and learn more about the foreign festival and its customs.
at the end of the class, ask students to retell the two passages. in order to arouse students’ interest, the teacher can hold a competition between them.
1. develop students’ reading skills by extensive reading.
2. let students read and understand the two passages.
1. enable students to learn to use reading strategies such as skimming, scanning, and so on.
2. get students to understand foreign culture and customs.
1. get students to learn some useful new words and expressions in this part: apologize, drown, sadness, wipe, weep, remind, forgive, turn up, keep one’s word, hold one’s breath, set off, remind. . . of. . .
2. get students to read the story a sad love story.
3. let students know more about the quebec carnival.
1. develop students’ reading skills by extensive reading and enable them to learn how to use different reading skills to read different reading materials.



Unit1 Festivalsaroundtheworld(Period5 Usinglanguage:Extensivereading)
