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【人教新课标】2021年高考一轮复习黄金学案――Unit 3  A taste of English humour(必修四)

词数:349完成时间:6分钟难度:     an earthquake is literally an earth-shattering experience! there you are enjoying an afternoon nap, having a cup of coffee in the morning, or even sleeping on a cold winter night when -- wham! -- the entire crockery (陶器) shelf collapses, and all the plates and cups break into pieces. a painting on the wall nearly knocks you down as it falls.     what should one do in an earthquake? the prime-time  ( 黄金时间的)news gives no warning, nor is there a time of year, like the monsoon ( 季风) season, when an earthquake always occurs. unlike a tornado or hurricane, there is no known way of predicting an earthquake.     though about 500, 000 earthquakes occur each year, only 100 of them cause damage! however, an earthquake can strike any time of the day or night, so it needs to be prepared for when you have the misfortune of being caught in the middle of one.     if you're indoors, stay indoors, unless you're on the ground floor, where you can easily run outside. the best thing to do if you’re indoors is to hide under a strong piece of furniture like a bed or desk. do not head for the stairway if you're living on an upper storey, because stairways can collapse.     if you're driving, get out of traffic and stop on a wide and open road. do not stop on a bridge, or in another case, under one. stay inside your car until the shaking stops. before you restart driving, look out for fissures (裂缝), breaks in the road, and bumps or cracks. inside your home, be careful not to mm on the gas until you' re sure the cylinder (煤气罐) is safe, and there is no leak.   avoid using your telephone unless there’s an emergency. you could be occupying lines that are needed by other people.   lastly, if you’re not trapped or seriously hurt, do not expect fire fighters, army or police to help you. they may be busy rescuing people in greater need than you!41. what does the passage mainly tell us about?    a. how to predict earthquakes.    b. what to do during an earthquake.    c. the damage an earthquake can cause.    d. the factors that cause an earthquake.42. from the second paragraph we learn that __    a. monsoons usually come at certain times of the year    b. there are no known ways to predict hurricanes    c. there are warning signs before earthquakes strike


