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一派天真 点赞 分享



6.i went to visit him and i was ¬¬¬________ (welcome) by his family.
7.hainan has ¬¬¬_______ (be) named as international tourism island(国际旅游岛), so more and more
________(foreigner)visit hainan.
i want to tell you about my h______.i like c______ kites.i have b______ collecting them for ten years.
i collect them b______ they’re beautiful and c______.i s______ them in boxes. on sunny sundays, i often
go to f____ kites.if i fly kites in the park, i will be w______ by many kids.my dream is to fly kites in
tian’anmen square of the c______ of beijing.if you know anyone e______ who collects kites, please tell
me. i w______ like to make f______ with them.
    last sunday, our school organized a talent show to raise money for charity. it was a great success. most
students took an active part in it (积极参加), and we raised 2,000 yuan in all.
    after the show, i interviewed three students. first, i talked with jiang shan. in the talent show, she danced
a ballet. “how long have you been dancing the ballet?” i asked. “for six years,” she answered. “why do you like
it?” “because i think it’s beautiful and i want to be a professional dancer when i grow up.”
    then i had a talk with sun jian. he played a piece of mozart’s music. he played wonderfully. “when did you
start playing the piano?” “um. i’m fifteen now and i have been playing it since i was six years old,” he said. “are
you going to play the piano after you finish high school?” “sure. my dream is to be a pianist.”
    finally, i talked with zhao ying, an 14-year-old girl. she sang us some folk songs. her voice was very sweet.
“i admire song zuying and i want to be a singer. i have been singing folk songs since five years ago,” she said.
name talent how many years dream
jiang shan ________ six ________
sun jian ________ ________ to be a pianist
zhao ying singing folk songs five ________
参考词汇:have been skating for/since…,want to be an excellent skater, a pair of, collect skates, store
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