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8B Unit1集体备课教案

teaching procedures:
step 1: dictate some past participles.
step 2: review the dialogue .
step 3: read the text and find the answer the following questions.
1)  how long has mr dong known the kowloon walled city ?
2)  when did they move out of it ? why?
3)  how has the place changed?
4)  what was a problem before the closing of the old airport?
5)how does he think about the life now?
check   answers .and  try  to  recite them.
step 4: do the exercise on page 10 c1 and correct the false statement.
step 5: learn the first half of the text and explain some useful expressions.
(line 1 to line 18)
1 used to do/be ;过去常常做-/是――   eg: he used to be a teacher.
be/get used to doing—现在习惯于做――
eg: he is used to having noodles for breakfast.
2 in fact . i thought  this answer  was  right .in fact ,it’s wrong.
3 live in a block  live together/there  live on the fifth floor
4 get married to sb = marry sb . 与某人结婚。
eg: tom got married to mary last year =tom married mary last year.
     they got married last year.
5 until 直到――   not ---until 直到――才――
eg : he did his homework until 7 o’clock yesterday evening.
     he didn’t do his homework until 7 o’clock yesterday evening.
6 actually adv.    adj-actual 真实的 ,实际的
eg ; what were his actual words? 
what did he actually say?
7 change a lot 
change :v. our city has changed a lot  .             
change n. great changes have taken place in our city .  ( the changes to the kowloon walled city , the answer to – the key to—the entrance to--)
8 turn into –变成――
eg. water turns into ice when it freezes         the shop has turned into a hotel
9 own
v. 拥有 eg: i own a shop     
adj 自己的 i have my own shop.  / of one’s own:  i have a shop of my own  
on one’s own =by oneself =alone 独立、单独  he has worked on his own for three years.
step 6 listen to the tape and read the learned part of the text .
step 7 do the exercise on page 6 b
 match the words on the right with the meanings on the right.
step 8 checkout
read  these  phrases  after  the  tescher
step 9  学生开展两人小组活动,编写对话谈论自己所在的城市的变化。


