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3.       ask a group to say its conversation to the class.
step 6: work on:sb page 18,1c
 1.pairwork:first the ss work in pairs, then ask some pairs to present their dialogues to the class.
 2.give the students some minutes.
a:what were you doing when the ufo arrived ?
b:i was writing a letter at home when the ufo arrived.…
step7 :make a survey :organize the students into groups ,have them make a survey by asking others in the group questions :
   name   what  where
have a report :
step 8:grammar focus :
review the grammar box by asking some students to read the sentences.
homework :
1.copy the new words .
2.make new conversations .
3. make a survey about what your classmates’ weekend plans and write a report.

第 二 课 时
教学内容: section a(2):  2a—-2c
1.       go on learning about past events.
2.进一步学习以when, while引导的时间状语从句。
(1) the boy was walking down the street when a ufo landed.
   (2) while the alien was buying a souvenir, the girl called the police.
2.vocabulary : alien ,bought , landed on ,got out of , while , took off
3.difficult points:掌握以when, while引导的时间状语从句。
重点词语及句型:when, while, landed on, alien, got out of, bought, called the police, called the tv station, took off
1.the boy was walking down the street when a ufo landed.
2.while the alien was buying a souvenir, the girl called the police.
课前发给学生表格 向学生布置任务:在表格中填写有关内容.
teaching  steps :
step 1 : leading in :
1.duty report. 
2.check the homework.
step 2 :work on :sb page 19 , 2a .
1.read the sentences . make sure the ss understand what they mean .
2.play the tape twice . order these statements .
3.play the tape again ,correct the answers .
step 3 : work on :sb page 19 , 2b .
1.read the instructions .
2.play the recording .write “when” or “while” on each line .
3.play the recording again ,correct their answers .
notice: when / while
when comes before a quick action that happens only once .the word “while” comes from an action that continues for some time.
step 4:work on:sb page 19, 2c .
4.       point ort the picture .ask what each person is doing.
5.       group work : ask “what was …doing when the ufo arrived ?”



