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Module 1 Routines And Dates

module 1 routines and dates

1. language skill
(1) can talk about one’s daily routines.
(2) can talk about the differences between the arrangements of two schools.

2. language knowledge
(1) vocabulary
4 skills:
tomorrow, start, always, never, before, london, toy, weekend, open, go to work, do some reading, how often…? museum, quite, walk, go for a walk, drink, take exercise, after class, first, autumn, second, winter, third, spring, summer, september, end, december, january, april, begin, may, july, on holiday, february, march, june, august, october, november, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth, new year, chinese new year, children’s day, date, teachers’ day

3 skills:
surf, net, surf the net, palace, children’s palace, term

(2) drills
how often do you watch tv?
i watch tv in the evening.

how often does your mother listen to the radio?
she listens to the radio every morning.

what date is it today?
it’s march 3rd.

dose he often do some reading on sunday?

what time does school start?

when does the autumn term start?

(3) the usage of adverb.

(4) the form of verb in the third person singular.

(5) sub-topic
unit 1: what is our life like?
unit 2: how many terms do you have in a school year?
unit 3: let’s go further

3. affects
(1) encourage pupils to remember the differences between the children’s lives.
(2) to have fun.
(3) to increase pupils’ sense of rhythm.
(4) to encourage pupils to think.
(5) to challenge more able learners.

4. learning strategy
(1) cognitive strategy.
(2) regulating strategy.
(3) communicative resource strategy.

5. cultural consciousness
(1) to expose pupils to cultural practices in other countries.
(2) to encourage pupils to think.

ⅱ.difficult points
1. how often do you watch tv?
i watch tv in the evening.
2. how often does your mother listen to the radio?
she listens to the radio every morning.
3. children’s day is on june 1st.
4. simple present tense.

ⅲ.schedule: 10 long-periods

textbook, activity book, tape, teacher’s book, cards, computer, tv

revision  第三人称归类
1. 把下列人称归类
tom, jiamin, i , my father, you, they, my cousin, her daughter, our teacher, he, she, it, your sister, his friend, his friends, their brother, their brothers, the cat, little dog, the table, my bag

2. 选择适当的词填空
(1) i ______(have, has) a beautiful toy bear.
(2) they _____ (have, has ) some postcards.



