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4B Unit 2 At a party教案集体备课

t: boys and girls, you’ve done a good job. now let’s listen and answer. there are four questions for you. please listen carefully. you’ll answer the questions one by one. questions: 1. your father’s father. who’s he?    2. your father’s mother. who’s she?          3. your father’s brother. who’s he?   4. your father’s sister. who’s she? 师要求学生听问题。回答正确时,师引导全体学生说:yes, you’re right. 回答错误时,师引导全体学生说:sorry, you’re wrong. 利用这样的问题,一可以增加学生的学习兴趣, 又可以将本课单词再复习一遍。问题结束后,要求学生听、读part g第2部分的对话。根据此内容,学生两两对话。如: a: he’s li ping’s father’s brother. who’s he? b: he’s wu yan. a: sorry, you’re wrong. b: he’s wu fan. a: yes, you’re right. step four: say a rhyme课件:出示第21页say a rhyme的图片。 t: children, look! this is john’s brother, joe. where’s joe? ps: he’s sitting on the chair. t: a rhyme for you. the first time, you just listen. the second time, you may read after it. 课件:播放rhyme的录音。学生跟读结束后,显示john的阿姨在书房读书图,旁边并配有如下文字: my aunt



who’s that woman over there,                                    reading in the study?                                            she’s my aunt, ann.                                               let’s go and say “hello”!                                          师引导学生朗读变换后的rhyme 课件:变换几个不同的场景,让学生在图片提示下能够替换其中的单词,从而变成一首新儿歌. step five: look and readt: excellent. let’s watch a funny video. 课件:出示书第20页的内容,同时播放上面的对话录音。 t:first you just watch and listen. then you should read after it. 课件:学生跟读结束后,屏幕上句型中的一些单词消失如下。要求学生根据图示内容将其补充完整。 a:who’s ______? b:she’s my ________. a:is this ______ ______? b:_____, _____ is. a:_____ _____ your _____ ? b:no, _____ ______. a:_____ he? b:______ my ________. 学生将所缺的单词填好后,再一起朗读一遍。给学生一定的时间练习表演该对话。对话表演时,学生可根据自己的想法创新。


