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Unit 1 Advertising教案学案练习一体化

c. 展示你所收集的广告,并进行描述,说明自己的观点。

d. 多彩世界
1. 完形填空
   at the time when bill and rose got married, neither of them had much money. so they were    1   to buy a house or flat. for the first years of their   2   life, they, therefore,    3   in rented (租凭的) flats. then bill’s father died and    4   him some money, so they bought a house. when they moved into it for the first time, one of bill’s    5  sent him a bottle of wine as a present to celebrate his entry (住进) into the first house he had owned. bill and rose had a lot of work to do, getting their things   6   , arranging the furniture, getting curtains and all the rest, so they    7  about the bottle of wine. in fact, they   8  it away in a cupboard without even unpacking (拿出) it. bill and rose already had two    9   when they moved into their new house, and a few months later, the third was born. when rose came home from the   10  with the baby. bill   11   some friends round to  12  its arrival, and they had a wonderful  13  , with plenty to eat and to drink. after the party had been on for some time, however, bill found that the wine was   14  .   15  , he remembered the bottle which his friend had given him when they had moved into the new house and which was still lying unpacked in a   16    somewhere in the house. he found it with some difficulty and  17  it into the living-room where his   18  were sitting. when he had unwrapped the bottle, he saw a card tied to it, so he took it and read it   19   to others.    10  said “bill, take good care of this one—it is the first one that is really yours.”
1.  a. unable         b. trying       c. advised      d. expected 
2.  a. happy         b. married     c. sad           d. bitter
3.  a. moved        b. succeeded   c. lived         d. gave  



