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科普版英语六年级上册 Lesson7 Give me some beef, please

lesson7  give me some beef, please.
一.teaching aims
1能认会读,会写单词 pass
2能听说读单词 pea, beef, soup, word, another 。
4 能听懂,会说基本句型并能进行会话
二. teaching materials:
 some english word cards,the tapes and the radio
三. teaching  expressions
1).mum,what do we have for supper today?
2) do you like them?
3) would you like some
  yes, give me a cake ,please
4) pass me that plate,tom
   here it is.
五.teaching procedures:
say: hi to everyone!
    good morning to you .how are  you today? nice to meet you.
二:warm up
1. lets sing a song together: hello song
2. i will ask some students to write the key words and key sentences on the blackbord
三: presentation
1. 图片导入,板书单词
teacher: pa lease look at the blackboard本课话题为“食物(food)”教师通过食物卡片引出本课的生词 pea , beef ,soup . ok! please read after me !pea,  pea,  pea ,give me some pea . beef ,beef,beef,give me some beef 教师把这些单词编成歌谣,领学生边拍手边说,直到每位学生都能脱口而出,以闪卡的形式让学生练习。
老师用图片导入法导入对话部分,教师指着黑板上的图画问学生what do you have for supper today? look! peas, carrots, beef and tomato soup 学生看到这么多美食后感觉一定很美味。教师引导学生说“do you like them?” 然后教师放录音,边放录音边在黑板上写关键词。
四. practice操练
1. 听音跟读单词
listen to the tape at least 3 times .read after the radio one by one
2. 听音读句子,先让学生听录音并逐句跟说几遍,再让全班复述
3  i hope that you can work  in pairs to make a dialogue with your partner.
五.home work
1. preview the lesson7预习本课剩余部分
2. listen to the tape at least 15 minutes

一. greetings
say “hi to everyone!”
how are you today ?i am fine ,thankyou .and you ? not too bad.
二. warm up
1. i  will ask some students to come here  and make a dialogue with the key words and key sentences.
2. 复习单词 review the words 教师出示单词卡片,让学生拼读并说出词义
三. presentation and practice
1. 导入新课
导入对话:应听音导入法和讲故事法导入,听完录音后,老师问一个学生: tom,please make a sentence use the word” dog”.  next,let me tell you a story ,listen to me carefully
教师先以故事的形式引出,然后再领学生一起听录音。教师把一些关键词和短语都写在黑板上让学生到前面来表演。要让每位学生都张口说出句型,然后教师再通过自问自答将对话表演一遍,学生听懂后再听两遍录音。next,let’s listen to the tape at least 4 times. ok? at last,i’ll ask some students to come here and act it.



