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                  课   时   计  划       XX年 9  月  3 日

课题module 1 unit1 how long is the great wall?





目标要求knowledge: the students can learn the new words: thousand, kilometer, might, million, place, building. learn the new sentences: how long is the great wall? it’s ten thousand li long. how old is the great wall? it’s more than two thousand years old.ability :the students can talking about the experiences , ask and answer for length of things.moral : the students know the great wall and strengthen the feelings of loving homeland.

重点难点how long, how old


tape, cards, pictures, ruler

节step1: warming-up1. count the numbers.2. revise the length。centimeterdecimetermeterkilometerlistep 2: learn the new words.1. teacher show a picture about the great wall.(图片上有长城,建筑物和一些花草树木) and ask: what’s this?ss: it’s the great wall.t: ( point to the building) what’s this?ss: it’s a building.t: yes, building, building, this is a building.让学生操练building 这个单词。其他单词同样用图片呈现的方法教授玩。2. play the game: pass the cards. (让学生传递单词卡片,全体学生一起说这个单词10次或是5次,传到那个同学那里,那个同学就起来用这个单词造个句子)step 3: learn the new sentences.3.导入新句型的学习:the teacher show a picture: the great wall. say: do you know what  is it?ss: it’s the great wall.t: do you know how long is it?s1. it’s…..s2:it’s……s3: it’s ten thousand li long.t: yes you can say it’s five thousand kilometers.t: so do you know how old is it?s1: it’s …..s2: it’s…..s3:it’s  two thousand years old.t: yes, it’s more than two thousand years old. so the great wall is the longest wall in the world. we should be proud of china.( 在这一环节中抓住这一契机对学生进行德育渗透,让学生爱自己的祖国,通过长城的学习让学生知道中国几千年的文明历史。)then the teacher show another pictures and ask the questions:( 如:学校、街道、尺子、大笨钟。。。。。图片的背面是它的长度和年龄的数字) how long is it? how old is it?t: so you can guess the answers. if your answer is right ,so you can get a gift .s1: it’s …..long.  it’s ……years old.s2: it’s …..long.  it’s ……years old.……..t: oh, your answer is right. ( 老师把图片翻过来对一对学生给出的答案是否接近正确答案。并给最接近答案的孩子奖励。)4. 句型操练:t:ok, now you can pick a thing, and ask your partner using this new sentences. for example: ………(老师和一个基础比较好的学生进行对话示范)



