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The necklace教案1

unit 15  the necklace
teaching aims:
1.learn and master the following words and expressions: have a good time,without luck,pay off
recognize,ball,continue,diamond,jewellery,necklace,palace,francs,after all,call on,bring out,try on,
2.improve the students\' reading comprehension through reading activities.
teaching important points:
1.learn the language in the play,especially in dialogues.
2.learn the usages of some words and expressions.
3.get the students to improve their reading comprehension.
teaching difficult points:
1.how to use the tenses correctly in a dialogue.
2.how to tell the differences between“after all,in all and above all”.
teaching methods:
1.question-and-answer method before reading to make students interested in what they will learn.
2.fast-reading to get the general idea of the text.3.individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.
teaching procedures:
step ⅰ. greetings:greet the whole class as usual.
step 2. revision
t:yesterday we practised making up some short plays.now i\'ll ask some students to act out them before class.
ss:teacher asks two or three groups to act.
step 3. lead-in
1.what kind of plays do you like best?
2. have you ever acted in a play? what role did you play?
3.what should be included in a play?
step 4. pre-reading
t:now let\\\'s watch the play together.watch carefully and then i\'ll ask you some questions.
(teacher plays the tv set for the students to watch.after that,teacher asks the students some questions.)
t:when and where did the story happen?
s3:it happened in a park in paris,one afternoon in 1870.
t:who can tell me something about the play?
s4:it\'s a play about a necklace.and it tells us a story about mathilde loisel,who borrowed a diamond necklace from her friend jeanne.they were good friends then.when they met in a park ten years later,jeanne didn\'t recognize mathilde at first and then mathilde told jeanne what had happened to her.
t:yes,you are right.
step 5 listen to the tape and answer the following questions:
1.what is the relationship between these three characters?
mathilde, the young lady and pierre, the young man are couple jeanne is mathilde’s friend.
2.what is the mood of mathilde in scene one ? why? mathilde sound tired and upset.
3.how does she feel in scene two?
she is on one hand very excited for the ball , on the other hand she is worried because she has no new dress and no jewelry for the ball.
step 6 . reading
when and where did the story happen?
a park in paris , one afternoon 1870



