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Unit 2 Life in the Future学案

i . 1—5  cbbdb  6—10 bcbac
ii. 1. will be, in  our school   2. don’t think, will snow   3. would you like 
4. enjoyed ourselves   5. take vacations   6. goes to school on foot

i. 用动词的适当形式填空。
1. it’s difficult __________(predict) the f utur e.
2. i have a lot of books ___________ (read).
3. the police asked the ol d man __________(try) __________ (recall) his address.
4. w hy ________ _ __ (go) out at night?
5. the mother made the bab y ____________(stop) __________(cry).
6. she reached the top of the hill and s topped _____________(rest).
7. _____________(get) enough sleep is very important.
8. my advice is _____________(highlight) the key points in the texts.
ii. 用how to, what to, where to, w hich  to, when to填空。
1. i don’t know ___________ have for lunch.
2. every body knows ___________  use a computer.
3. can you tell me ___________ put the coats?
4. you need to decide __________ choose, the black one or the red one?
5. you should know __________ to ke ep  quiet.
iii. 完成句子:
1. 我们决定星期天去动物园。
we                 the zoo on sunday.
2. 老师要求我们不要晚回家。
the teacher                         .
3. 紧急情况下最重要的是保持冷静。
in an emergency,                                   .
4. 他们在谈论什么?
what are they                          ?
5. 我认为那是不可能的。
                         it will be possible.
i. 1. to predict  2. to read  3. to try, to recall    4. going    5. stop crying   6. to rest
  7. to get    8. to highlight 
ii. 1. what to  2. how to   3. where to  4. which to    5. when to
iii. 1. decide to go to   2. asked us not to go home la te 
3. the most important thing is to stay calm   4. talking about   5. i don’t think



