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英语教案-Unit 4 I like……

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英语教案-Unit 4 I like……


英语教案-Unit 4 I like……

教学目标 :1 会认、读8个单词。

          2 会写bike, bus, car, kite。

          3 会说句子:What’s this / that in English?

It’s a ……

Do you like …… ?

Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.


Step 1 Free talk. (6分钟)

A.T: What’s this/that?(用学过的car、bus、bike)

  S: It’s a ……

  T: What’s this/that in English?


  S: It’s a ……



Practise in pairs. 复习学过的car、bus、bike



Step 2 Presentation.

A.T: Now, look here. (4分钟)

     Do you know what’s that in English? (风筝)

  S: It’s a kite.

  拼读: kite出示单词图片

S1: What’s that in English?

S2: It’s a kite.

Practise in pairs.


B.T: Is this a kite, too. (5分钟)

  S: No.

  T: What’s this in English?

  S: It’s a puzzle.

T: Yes. It’s a puzzle.

拼读: puzzle出示单词图片

S1: What’s this in English?

S2: It’s a puzzle.

  T: Is this a puzzle, too?

  S: Yes.

  T: I like puzzles.

What about you?

Do you like puzzles?

  S: Yes./No.


Practise in pairs.


C.T: Do you like puzzles? (4分钟)

  S1: ……

  T: And do you like puppets?

  S1: ……

  T: What’s this in English?

  S2: It’s a puppet.

  拼读: puppet出示单词图片

  T: Do you like puppets?

  S: ……

Practise in pairs.


D.T: In our class, some of you like puppets, some of you don’t like puppets.

What about balloon?    (5分钟)

Do you like balloons?

Can you fine balloons in our classroom?

  S find.

  T: Yes. That is balloon.

拼读: balloon出示单词图片

  T: What’s that in English?

  S1: It’s a balloon.

  T: Do you like balloons?

  S1: ……

Practise in pairs.


E.T: Do you like balloons? (4分钟)

  S1: ……

  T: I don’t like balloons.

I like this pretty girl.

Do you know what’s this in English?

  S1: It’s a doll.

  T: Do you like dolls?

  S1: ……

拼读: doll出示单词图片

Practise in pairs.



Step 3 Consolidations. (11分钟)

A.Read the words by yourselves.

Read the words together.


S: That’s a ……, I think.

  T: Yes./No.

  T: Do you like ……

  S: Yes./No.

C.8样东西都猜出来以后,同样利用课件做What’s missing?的游戏。

  S: That’s a ……, I think.

  T: Yes./No.


  S1: What’s this/that in English?

  S2: It’s a ……

  S1: Do you like ……

  S2: Yes./No.



Step 4 Homework.

A.    Copy the new words.

B.    Make 2 short dialogs.

   Use: What’s this/that in English?

It’s a ……

Do you like ……


C. Finish your workbook.



英语教案-Unit 4 I like……
