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saturday nov. 15, 20xx cloudy

my teacher gave me an assignment "experience life" last week. i had been thinking how to finish it because i had never done any thing by myself before.

mother was out today. it was a good chance to complete the assignment. seeing the barrel was empty, i decided to fetch water from the well.

i took the empty barrel and went towards the well outside the yard. it snowed yesterday, so the alley was very slippery. a layer of thickice was frozen on the platform of the well. i was frightened by the sight, but i gathered my courage to walk towards it.

the alley was so slippery that i walked with difficultly. suddenly, i slipped and fell down, water in the barrel totally poured down on the ground. i stepped on the platform carefully. after standing steadily and squatting down slowly, i hooked the barrel at the end of the rope and put the rope down slowly. i made an effort to drag the barrel up after it was filled with water. i was very careful because it was easy to slip and fall. then, i carried the barrel of water and returned to my house. my figners were frozen stiff. i realized my effort was in vain. i hated myself.

i failed to finish the assignment but i did experience life through a trifle which seemed easy but difficult to do well. such was my first experience of life.

summer can be very hot in southern chinese taiwan where the temperature usually goes up to 32"c or more. because of the heat it is a trying experience to go to school or do anything else in a place that is not air-conditioned. also because of this i stay at home most of the time during the summer vacation and occasionally go to the beach to plunge myself into the cool water as a way to keep my body less sticky. actually i like swimming think nothing is more refreshing than a swim. in the summer vacation that has ended i went swimming many times with my classmates we all had a good time. this summer vacation, however, was not spent entirely in seeking fun. as a second-year senior student i had to prepare myself for the college entrance examinations that were a year away. in other words, i must find time to study, too. so i divided my time between work play during the summer vacation derived benefit from this arrangement.

a winebibber,when he has wine addiction,that he is going to the bar and drink some cups of wine.

he will goes to the bar every day before he going to 's a snowy goes to bar before he going to work fells there is somebody follows him on his way to his turns his head and he see his son is treading his son is following him.

his son is excited and says:"dad! look,i am treading your footmark!"the man is very surprise that his son shocks to him. he thinks:"i will go to the bar, but my son is following me!"

after that day,the man gives up the doesn't go the bar any more.

we were sitting in the classroom quietly, waiting for the invigilator. we were anxious to get the examination paper and see whether it was easy or difficult.

the invigilator came into the classroom. he first looked around. then he counted the papers. we could only hear the papers'fricative. i had a look at my watch. we would be examined in eight minutes. i felt a bit nervous. i thought to myself,"will the exam be easy or difficult? will the last question be very hard for me to work out?"the invigilator began to deliver us the papers. i had been ready. as soon as i got the paper, i began to write quickly. at this, the invigilator said loudly,"you can't write until the bell rings".i felt sorry for that. i watched the hands of the clock and thought hard. i counted quietly,"four minutes, three minutes, two minutes,thirty seconds, twenty-five seconds""ding" the bell rang. we picked up our pens and began to write quietly.

what a long time we had been waiting!

as soon as we became students of grade 3, we had to make up our minds to study hard. because we have the motive forces of study. they may be our dreams of life.

we must all want to study in haimen middle school in the future, so the competition for study will be very fierce. both in class and after class, we think about our knowledge and work on the hard problems. we all believe that the harder we study, the better we will become.

but we have to face difficulties and hardships. even though, we can't give up our life dreams. when you suffer a setback, think about your dream, then rally your forces. make a spurt towards your dream!

during may day holiday, i went to my uncle’s home to meet my new little bother and he is a baby.

my little bother has got big eyes, a small nose, and a small mouth that looks like a cherry. but my little bother can't talk, and the only thing he can do is crying.

my little bother is very lovely. he likes frown very much. when he frowns, it looks like that he is just thinking some questions. when he falls to sleep, it looks like swimming. when he cries, the sound is very interesting. it sounds like he is counting numbers or he is singing. maybe he wants to be a singer.

i love my little brother, do you like him? i hope my little bother can be a super star in the future. at that time i will be proud of him.



你是mike,你去marry 家,想问问她去不去参加你的生日聚会,但是她不在家,你给她留了便条。任务:请你用英语给marry写一个50词左右的便条。内容包括:

1. 明天是我的生日,你会参加我的生日聚会吗?聚会晚上6:30开始;

2. 我的家人、朋友及同学都会来,你可以见到他们;

3. 如果你来,就打电话给我,我希望你能来。


dear marry,

i’m mike. tomorrow is my birthday. i want to invite you to take part in my birthday. can you come tomorrow?

the party will begin at half past six in the evening. my parents, friends and classmates will come, you can see them in the party.

if you come to my birthday party, please make a phone call to me. i will be happy that you can come.






时光匆匆,转眼间考试也已结束,试卷也发下来了。望着试卷上的分数,我惊讶了。因为这和我应有的水平相差甚远, 我在此向你说一声对不起,我辜负了您对我的殷切希望。在这次期末英语考试中我




1、 折磨了老师的精神,这样的折磨可能让老师工作分心,造成更为严重的后果。

2、 影响个人综合水平的提高,使自身在本能提高的条件下未能得到提高,违背父母的意愿,实乃不孝。









第一节课开始了,杰森老师开始教我们读单词,我们不会读的他就耐心 认真的教我们,比如说:pencil,我们不会读,他就先读pen,让我们说,他让我们看着他的口型,一点一点的读。他细心的教我们,根本不是为了挣钱,而是让我们真正的懂得英语。棒!我内心给老师竖起了大拇指。






1 文化语境概述

语言学家马林诺夫斯基被公认为西方语境学派的创始人,他认为语境可分为情景语境和文化语境。情景语境是指语言行为发出时的周围情况,事情的性质,参与者的关系、 地点、 方式等。文化语境是指任何一个语言使用所属的某个特定的言语社团,以及每个言语社团长期形成的历史、文化、风俗、习俗、价值标准和思维方式等。因此,翻译依赖着它本身所存在的语言文化环境,如地理环境、社会历史、政治经济、风俗民情、宗教信仰、审美取向价值观念及思维方式等等,正因为不同民族文化背景下人们对事物认知的不同概念导致了包含不同文化意义的词语的产生。可见,不同的文化语境决定着翻译中不同语义的提取,也体现着译者对不同文化的判断和理解,这些便是文化差异的渊源, 也是造成文化理解和文化翻译的障碍的因素,所以理解原作的文化语境是作好翻译的首要前提。

2 科技新闻英语的语言特点

当今世界科学技术的发展十分迅速, 科技人员在计算机科学、电子技术、工程技术、医学、生物工程等方面不断取得新的突破。对科技人员而言,科技新闻英语则满足了科技人员了解国外科技信息的需求。首先需要介绍一下科技新闻英语的语言特点:

一是准确性。新闻英语的生命在于真实。科学是最讲究实事求是的,对于实事,既不容许扩大,也不允许缩小。尤其是科技新闻英语,不但要真实,而且要求高度准确。二是新颖性。科技新闻英语要突出反映新成果、新思潮,多在“新”字上着眼。新闻记者除了报道新成果、新思想外,还应留意科技会议、教育园地等多方面出现的新东西,报道面不能局限于一隅。三是其通俗性。科技新闻英语主要写给一般读者(lay readers or general readers)读的,这是由大众媒介的职能所决定的。因此,报道必须在准确的前提下尽可能通俗易懂。第四,新闻英语报道必须做到精炼。科技新闻英语不是科研报告、学术讲座,一般无需反映研究过程或细节,只需酌情报道最重要、最精华的事实,即科技成果及其成功的意义和关键。最后是要体现科技报道的生动性。科技新闻英语应是有趣味的,吸引人的。所谓趣味性,说到底就是要求记者写作时立意新颖,用某种有趣的方式,提出严肃的科技问题或文化知识,吸引读者去思考,增加新闻的可读性,有机地熔知识性与趣味性于一炉。

3 文化语境在科技新闻英语翻译中的影响

科技新闻翻译是把用一种文字写成的科技新闻用另一种语言表达出来,经过再次传播,使译语读者不仅能获得原语新闻记者所报导的信息,而且还能得到与原语新闻读者大致相同的教育或启迪,获得与原语新闻读者大致相同的新闻信息。在这个翻译过程中,有些人认为科技新闻英语中的单词大多为单义词,翻译起来并非难事,语境的研究大可不必应用于科技翻译领域。很明显, 这是一种错误的观点。实际上 ,语境包括文化语境都在科技翻译中起着非常重要的作用,以下我们从社会历史、思维方式和宗教文化三个方面来探讨这个问题。


纽马克曾说:“语境在所有翻译中都是最重要的因素,其重要性大于任何法规、 任何理论和任何基本词义。”由此可见语境对于翻译的重要性,有时词语的表层指称意义相同 ,但深层所承载的文化涵义却不尽相同。例如在科技新闻英语中西方人常常会用“whengreeks meets greeks , then comes the tug of war.” 形容两种同类科技产品的竞争,译为“两雄相遇,其斗必烈”。此谚语含有一定的历史文化背景,源自17 世纪英国剧作家纳撒尼·李(1653 - 1692) 的作品。在公元前八世纪到公元前五世纪间,古希腊分化成立了许多奴隶制的城邦。一些城邦为争霸希腊互相角逐,战争不断。一直战到公元前338 年,希腊遭到北方马其顿王国的侵略,各城邦才又团结起来进行顽强的抵抗。此语现在常用于指两个同样自负的人或两个实力相当的党派团体之间的争斗。又如:

the efficacy ofthe vaccines is the achilles’heel of india’s anti-polio campaign.


achilles’heel 典故出自希腊神话。传说阿基里斯除脚踵外全身刀枪不入。因此“阿基里斯的脚踵”就成了“致命弱点”的代名词。翻译时,为了照顾读者中的大多数,可意译之,因为东西方文化融合的深度和广度仍不足以采取直译。再如:

tumours fall to atrojan horse. altered bugs can carry a lethal enzyme to skin cancer cell.




思维模式的差异也同样影响着科技新闻的报道。中国传统的思维方式是一种曲线或者螺旋思维, 习惯迂回,重视形象思维;而西方的思维方式属于直线思维,喜欢开门见山。对于同样一件事情,由于思维方式和文化习俗上的原因,中国式的思维方式总是先有怀疑,再定论,最后验证,而西方的思维方式是先有肯定,然后观察,最后定论。例如,在2007年4月科技月刊《scientific american》中,有一篇报道的标题是:

seeking the connections: alcoholism and our genes

identifyinggenetic influences on vulnerability to alcohol addiction can lead to moretargeted treatments and help those at risk to make informed choices about theirown lives




标题很明显地采用了迂回的方式,形象地提出问题,然后引出结论,完全符合中国式的思维方式。这种翻译策略被称为编译,是一种“最自由的翻译形式”, 其目的是“努力使译文对目的语读者所产生的效果与原文对源语读者所产生的效果相同”。(newmark,2001)因此,也被称作是一种“文化翻译”。



如:there are some good technical science tools onthe market today. however, you must remember that they are tools only, not “holygrails”.




三. 结语


[1] eugene a. and culture: context in translating[m].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2001

[2] peter newmark. atextbook of translation[m].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2001

[3] 关孜慧。文化语境与翻译[j]。外语与外语教学,2003(3).

[4] xxx。新闻英语文体与范文评析[m]。上海:上海外语教育出版社,2004

[5] 刘其中。新闻翻译教程[m]。北京:中国人民大学出版社,2004

[6] 许明武。新闻英语翻译[m]。北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2003

[7] 田传茂,许明武。报刊科技英语的积极修辞及其翻译[j]。中国科技翻译,2001(1)


许多学习生活中的烦恼都会使人产生压力,为了更好地发现及解决同学们中存在的心理压力问题,你们班特意开展了一次以"less pressure, better life"为主题的英语演讲比赛,请你准备发言稿,谈谈你的一些缓解压力的好办法,与同学分享,内容包括:

(1) 同学们中普遍存在的压力是什么;

(2) 我的压力是什么;

(3) 我是如何成功缓解我的压力的。


★ 范文

less pressure, better life

hello, boys and girls!

pressure is a serious problem in today’s world. students in our class are under too much pressure. some students can’t get on well with their classmates, while others may worry about their exams.

i’m always under pressure, too. my parents want me to be the top student in class. so they send me to all kinds of after-classes at weekends. last monday evening, i had a talk with my mother. i told her i was not lazy. i really felt tired. i needed time to relax. my mother agreed with me at last. so i think a conversation with parents is necessary to solve the problem.

that’s all. thank you!



