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英语口语演讲比赛稿5分钟 篇一






在地震发生的一瞬间,该校教导主任谭千秋双臂张开趴在课桌上,身下死死地护着4个学生。4个学生都获救了,谭老师却不幸遇难。网友木子发表了一首诗,其中一段这样写道:“你离去的姿势好美 / 美的让人流泪 / 你像雄鹰张开翅膀 / 守护住 / 未来的希望” 。这些可敬的老师们,用自己的生命谱写着一曲曲师爱的赞歌!





英语演讲比赛 篇二

My hometown is very beautiful, there are many beautiful places, but my favorite is the banyan tree.

Spring, the banyan tree branches out grow pale green leaves, the grass under the tree leaned out of his head, as if to say: "the world is really big ah!" The flowers have opened smiling face, as if to say: "the world is really beautiful! I want to hurry and grow up." A breeze blowing, the banyan tree is say "hello" to us!

In summer, the banyan tree branches more lush and green, like the jade. We often to the banyan tree shade and playing. Banyan tree zhefengdangyu for us, for we are blocking the sun's radiation. The banyan tree is blocking our view of the blue sky, looked from a distance, like a big green umbrella, brings us a cool.

Autumn, banyan tree leaves turn yellow, autumn mother-in-law deeply breathed a sigh of relief. Banyan tree mother left their mother's arms, look! How sad they are! When I stepped on banyan tree after mother's baby, they will "sasha vujacic" to cry, don't they know it hurt? When I stepped on some hesitation, afraid to hurt it.

Winter, snow flying, like white butterflies fluttering and dancing. Aunt win(金笔头网★)d blew breath deeply, banyan shivered with cold, good snow girl dressed banyan tree in a sheepskin coat, banyan tree feel warm a lot of, is really fantastic!

I love my hometown, love home banyan tree.

英语即兴话题演讲比赛 篇三

a window is opened up at the crack of dawn, beside which one man is overlooking the the mess of buildings outside, breathing the fresh air cosily. but just after a little while, he steps to his seat, staring at the computer screen till the night. this man is very likely a programmer.

there is a man who concentrates on his computer, but doesn’t care about however he dresses, or even whether he washes his face.

there is a man who has a good knowledge of computer language, but has a low eq and makes a bad relationship with others.

there is a man who stays at home and does his own work by himself day and night, but just has few friends.

these images shown above probably are what people think of programmers as, in fact, programmers indeed give us a bad impression sometimes. however, people just have a partial understanding of programmers’ life, not to mention that they can know the fun of programming. there is no doubt that programs affect all aspects of our lives in an obvious or potential way, especially they are reflected in electronic products that we use nowadays.

when you are so proud of possessing an iphone, you’d better remember that it is the program that makes you get confidence to show off the advanced mobile phones thoroughly.

when you take advantage of computers to cope with problems in life, you’d better remember that it is the program that makes you seek the convenience of computer.

when you needn’t worry about hot summer and cold winter owing to an air-conditioner, you’d better remember that it is the program that makes you share the machine’s intelligent.

when you release your pressure by playing varies of online games, you’d better remember that it is the program that makes you enjoy the great entertainment in life.

as people’s thoughts control their bodies, computer programs play a leading role in the modern times. both social progress and human evolution depend on the computer programs. in the practical application, a software consists of different programs and then combines with hardware to develop into a high-tech electronic product. there are many kinds of electronic products found everywhere in our daily life. nearly all the time do we make use of these products to conduct our passion.

英语演讲比赛 篇四










英语口语演讲比赛稿5分钟 篇五

一 活动背景: 1935 年 12 月 9 日,北平学生数千人举行游行示威,学生的爱国 救亡运动得到了广大群众的积极响应, 最后发展成为全国性的抗 日爱国运动。

二 活动目的: 爱国主义是中华民族的优良传统,是中华民族声声不息、自立于 世界民族之杯的强大精神动力。通过爱国主义演讲比赛,是为了 让当代大学生增强爱国意识,培养爱国情操,发扬艰苦奋斗,牢 记历史责任,继承民族精神。

三 活动主题: 宏扬爱国之情,树立报国之志

四 活动时间: 12 月 6 日晚 7 点

五 活动地点: 学生活动中心(食堂三楼)

六 面向对象: 06,07 级笃学书院全体学生

七 活动内容: 每大班 (以辅导员所带班级为标准) 出一名同学。 每位参赛同学, 通过个人的精彩演讲,由评委对其综合表现打出分数,最后评选 出一等奖,二等奖,三等奖。

八 主持人:两人,一男一女

九 奖项预算: 一等奖 1 名 二等奖 2 名 三等奖 3 名

十 赛前准备工作:

1 比赛流程制定以及通知

2 参赛人数要求以及时间限制:每大班必须派一名选手 参赛,每位选手演讲时间限定为 3-5 分钟。

3 制定评分细则:满分为十分,各评委打出分数后去掉一 个最高分,去掉一个最低分剩余总分为选手所得分数

4 聘请老师担任评委

5 报名工作:各班需在 11 月 27 日前提交报名表至团委 办公室。

团委办公室 2xx年 x月

英语演讲比赛 篇六

Many years ago, there lived a very rich man who wanted to do something for the people of his town. But first he wanted to find out whether they deserved his help. So he placed a very large stone in the center of the main road into town. Then he hid behind a tree and waited. Soon an old man came along with his cow.

"Who put this stone in the center of the road?" said the old man, but he did not try to remove the stone. Instead, with some difficulty

he passed around the stone and continued on his way. Another man came along and did the same thing; then another came, and another. All of them complained about the stone in the center of the road, but not one of them tried to remove it. Late in the afternoon, a young man came along. He saw the stone and said, "The night will be very dark. Some neighbor will come along later in the dark and will fall against the stone. "

The young man then began to move the stone. He pushed and pulled with all his strength to move it to one side. But imagine his surprise when under the stone he found a bag full of money and this message: "This money is for the thoughtful person who removes this stone from the road. That person deserves help."

Hello everyone,today I'm very glad to be here to addrea speech about joking.

As we all feel, we are having a busy life -- busy working,busy studying,busy talking,busy eating,and even,busy falling asleep!In this rapid developing world,we have to be busy or we will fall behind others,but the busy life always bring us more or lesome unpleasent,but luckyly,we have an easy but excelent way to deal with it,that is,to joke!

A funny joke may relax our feelings,ma-ki-ng the busy more enjoyable;a friendly joke may better the atmosphere when two people meet the first time;a humor joke can make others laugh while feeling you are a clever person.

Joking is such a good thing,so remember to crack a joke and keep a happy mood in your busy life.


英语演讲比赛稿 篇七

Mankind is marching into a new century characterized by an information society. Conventional education methods are faced with severe challenges. By using the latest technological achievements and new concepts in distance education to establish a virtual university, which meets needs of engineers and managers to obtain all different knowledge, is the only way to construct a lifelong education system and achieve an environment for learning society.

The modern distance education is a new kind of models of education that takes the computer network and satellite communication technologies as its basis and multimedia technology as its means. It merges information technology into education and has been paid more attention in the field of education all over world. It will definitely produce a great impact and changes on education. Meanwhile, it will promote the development of information industry and drives the development of economics.

英语演讲比赛稿 篇八

Whatever one does, one should do it with confidence. If one has no confidence, there is little possibility that one would ever achieve anything, especially when oneis faced with drawbacks or hardships. This truth seems to be evident. However, in reality we do see a lot of people who complain that they like the ability to do something or that their difficulties are too great to be overcome. For someone, this might be true. But for many others, this only shows that they have lost heart.

Why do people often feel frustrated even though they are capable of doing something? There are, among others, two main reasons. First, these people do have a correct estimate of themselves. Second, they overestimate the difficulties.

It is possible to build up faith in oneself by having the right attitude towards one’s abilities. We should never underestimate one’s abilities. But believe in the proverb: “Where there is a will, there is a way.” Confidence is the promise for fulfilling a task successfully.

英语演讲比赛稿 篇九

Good afternoon! My dear teachers and friends. My name is Li Wenwen.I’m fourteen years old.In class 8,grade 1.

Different people has different dreams. Someone wants to be a doctor. Someone wants to be a basketball player,because he is good at sports. Someone wants to be a writer, because he likes writing. Someone wants to be a teacher because he likes teaching children.

What do I want to do when I’m older?

You see,I like playing the piano and I am good at it. So I want to become a piano player.(pianist). Playing the piano is very interesting. And you can learn something of music. Piano can make your life beautiful and happy. Your life is full of music. A lot of musicians and singers love playing the pianos.

I could play the piano when I was ten years old. All of my teachers and my classmates say I can play the piano very well. I have got Grand Five . I hope when I’m sixteen years old , I can get Grand Eight.

Now I’m a middle school student. There are many things at school. Sometimes ,I have no time to play the piano. But,I’ll still be harder and harder to practise.The youngest pianoist, Langlang is my idol. He is such a great pianoist.I hope I can be a pianoist like him.

I know becoming a piano is a hard job. But I believe I can do it. There is a will, there is a way. My dream will come ture one day. Believe me! Thank you!

英语口语演讲比赛稿5分钟 篇十


















