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英语演讲稿 篇一

Thursday morning at school, I got four agents young movie tickets for all vouchers, I see, ah! 3 d movies? I can't seen 3 d movies. What's the difference between "what stereoscopic film and common film? Do I have to go and see." I said to himself.

Came to the classroom, I and my good friend Luo Kaiyun agreed during the National Day get to the cinema to see 3 d movie.

Easy to look forward to in the National Day, half past nine, I carried on film label and money, like a bottle of an arrow into the cinema. Arrived at the cinema, Luo Kaiyun have been waiting at the door, we hurry to buy a stereo glasses, as people into theaters, find a seat to sit. Three-dimensional film began. I'll take off glasses and a look at the screen, with ordinary film is no different, only the edge of the red, yellow, hazy outline. To wear glasses, yi! Those who like jumped out of the screen, walked over to me. Thought: this is stereoscopic film. Next, the butterfly flew in front of my eyes, seemed to stretch out my hand can get; Figure dangling in front of me; Killing passing speed seems to me; The sword stab to me; Monster as if to swallow me up, frighten I left hide right shine, heart pounding, stimulation and clinking. All of a sudden, I saw m hill iron claw straight towards my stamp, quickly close to me, "ah, arrest me?" I was scared, and instinctively recoiled hide in the body under the chair, heart like to jump out of the throat. Gee, I don't see any action, I take off glasses a look, turned out to be a movie, I really put it. An hour and a half, I have spent in stimulation, scary.

Things in the past, but I will never forget.

英语演讲稿 篇二

ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon! i’m very glad to stand here and give you a short my topic is “youth”。i hope you inance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease.this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of gro men andfromthe infinite, so long as you are young 。

esfromevery detail in our life.financial problems , poor health , being laid off may be the stress that most adults noe other problems will also annoy us.i think we will worry a lot about our ability to compete in the job market and how we can best use what we’ve learned at college in our future job 。

英语演讲稿 篇三

Ladies and gentlemen:

Good evening ,I am joy and glad to give you a speech about stress , yes , just the topic you see on the screen.

Psychologist tell us that stress is a state of worry caused by the problem of living , such as too much work or study , heavy responsibilities , and quickened pace of life istics show that stress comes from every detail in our life ncial problems , poor health , being laid off may be the stress that most adults now suffering students in the university , we are also under our special stress 。

While study , having to take various tests and submit a project against a deadline may put a great pressure on us the things make us felt stressed may be our parents’s greater expectations on us than we could reach r , when we are likely to graduate , some other problems will also annoy us 。

I think we will worry a lot about our ability to compete in the job market and how we can best use what we’ve learned at college in our future job chief problem we should face to is our atitude towards stress le usually say they can not live in the sun except they escape from stress ’s unwelcome ! yes , however , very necessary image a world where stress does not exist and people lead their life in a very comfortable way is this kind of living condition as perfect as we hope ?

without stress , they may feel very satisfied with the current life but lack of power to discover new things much satisfaction result in nothing except a countermarch of the society stress , no development a certain amount of stress is good 。

It can stimulate us and increase our level of alertness our answer to stress is another vital problem to do with ourselves when stress suddenly break into our life ? to wave the white flag and admit our unability , to give up to our ideality , or worstly , just to suicide as to put an end to everything …

of cause not principle is to tackle with stress gentlely and should try our best to release ourselves 。

Such as to do some exercise , to linsen to traditional chinese music or classical music to ease our minds and to learn to view these changes of life as challenges ’s no use crying over spilt milk to accept what has happened can solve the problem 。

Ok , i think i was under large stress 3 minutes before , but now i am here and have finished my speech 。

英语演讲稿 篇四

it is definitely right that programming is a hard work because of its special characteristics---complicated, time-wasted, logical. to make a program needs our continual patient and confidence, and we should accept failure again and again in most cases. but once you go into further understanding of computer programs, you will be surprised at the programs’ wander. in detail, through programming a heap of date or a computing model can be easily solved we expected, such as a number wanted, or the model’s parameters. the magical power of program appeals to all the programmers, certainly including me.

it is of great convenience for us to simplify or model our complex questions by programming. furthermore, studying and using programs can enforce us to form our ability of analyzing and logic. computer language has its regular grammar. how to organize the language into a reasonable calculating method in a high efficiency like speaking easy-understanding and breath-saving words, is an awful challenge for us, and it will be very funny.

now, software is more and more important in our life, therefore programmer becomes a popular profession, which is one urgent need in the society. for our country, it’s very important to ensure our national security from others, such as japan. enhancing military strength makes us pay more attention to the informationalized war that attached intensely to the fundamental function of program and software. it is truth that china has a huge population of 1.4 billion, which means messy things from all the people every day. also, to govern the society orderly all benefit from information composed by programs.

take a more closer example, in the classroom, we are graduate students of engineering, and will be occupied in researching and designing work. thus, not only is programming our tool in study, but also become a weapon that promoting science and technology and producing invention and innovation.

i love programming, because of its powerful function. i love programming, because of its abundant application.

i love programming, because of its terrible challenge.

i love programming, but i am not intend to be an outstanding programmer, nor making a great researching achievement. i just want to know it and do what i want with it.

i hope you firstly remove the horrible psychology upon programming, and then try to get in touch with it. at last, i hope programming gives you much happiness in life!

英语演讲稿 篇五

On behalf of our proud trustee, our esteem faculty, our distinguished alumni, our devoted families and our unparalleled friends gathered here and across the globe virtually, I welcome you to this very special moment in time. Today, we continue a 265- year-old tradition that binds us with a sense of pride and hope and of deep and never-ending curiosity.

We initiate those who are committed to a world of openness and debate, who have learned the power of discovering the unknown and who have accepted the great responsibility that comes with acquiring knowledge into a community steadfastly poised to shape our world for the better. At the end of our time together today, joining a legacy of those who have come before them, we will have a new class of alumni representing 16 distinct schools along with affiliated institutions of Teacher’s College and Bernard college.

The potential for trouble is palpable. And as we explore the profound meaning of this moment, there is one special part of our community deserves unique recognition. Graduates, as much as we, your faculty, feel deep, deep affection for you, nothing can compare to the pure, unqualified adoration of your parents and families, though you will never be able to express fully the infinite gratitude I know you feel, please take this opportunity to thank them.

For my remarks today, I have three parts. I want to talk about the idea of the academy, about the enemies of the search for truth and about what we are to awarding you the degrees in your respective field, we recognize your academic accomplishment and now acknowledge your expertise in some area of study. But you are now also an expert in higher education in America, simply by virtue of your presence and deep engagement with this little world over the past several years.















