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英文演讲稿 篇一

Often listen to other people singing, and she is often the first hummed jiang yuheng look back again, but the "once in the faint after repeatedly to pursue, just know plain takes is the most true"

It would not agree. Prince "lonely" sings too detached - repeatedly to pursue all his life, just the plain is true conclusions. Plain is the most true, at the end of the day is not unwilling to mediocrity, since GanWuWei? Once upon a time, we have these in with the secondary color dream university students who are Shouting: plain is the most true. And some people think that as long as "otherwise, serene life" can be free to live, have to zhuang zi's "inaction" thoughts to carry on the general trend. What makes us rich campus life fade color? What makes us real magma solidification, not blood from heart? Because we don't have entered the dream of the ivory tower? Because we did not get out of the confused myself strip? Or because our hearts are really not young, is to see everything in the flat? No! All is not! Dominate the world

Is you, give up the world is still you.

The best life, not life expectancy of the people, but most can feel the life of the people. In addition to you no into the ideal university,

You haven't noticed in addition to an almost successful love, in addition to the vanity in the air, in your heart you feel how much right to life? Life on earth gave you how many real burden on uneven? No! Because only in contemporary China, in our country where illiteracy and semiliterate hundreds of millions of, college students had been high social expectation, also looking forward to the society too much, just because we cannot properly estimate oneself, also can't correctly understand society. The flat state of mind, that is still a bad excuse. Then, you ever also want to do something, but don't know where to start, follow, in front of the temptation away from the natural state, is the era of mud and sand flow together tide carrying floating around. When you are tired to walk three hundred and sixty miles, you only to find that behind in addition to the flat, what also have no.

No longer look back, not just the old operation, not just those of the stars at night and the moon, and in the passage of our youth. Four years, we are lucky enough to have the four years, but how many people had gone four years; How many people are still more to have these four years and in a stream and all kinds of simulation test, when we came out from their this kind of condition,

Walk into many people dream of university, is in pursuit of "plain is the true"?

In our day every four years, pour into the care of relatives and warm, their hard sweat, flowing silently support the choice to the children, their only hope is that we could go the way of your own life. Do we pay our golden years, writing with the blood of parents is only in exchange for the plain? Everything is just in exchange for a 60 points of graduation card? Small to pay for each family, big to for the time that's gone, like how we can easily identify with "plain" is true? Don't be saddened leaves, as the spring rain tears; Don't careless swing back the sun of summer, make till winter snow to decorate their veil; Years may wrinkle the skin, and lose enthusiasm wrinkle the soul.

With new confidence, we try to take out our youth enthusiasm, graduated from university four years, looking back, we don't have flat, regret the youth. Let our youth float in the sky!

Often listen to other people singing, and she is often the first hummed jiang yuheng look back again, but the "once in the faint after repeatedly to pursue, just know plain takes is the most true"

It would not agree. Prince "lonely" sings too detached - repeatedly to pursue all his life, just the plain is true conclusions. Plain is the most true, at the end of the day is not unwilling to mediocrity, since GanWuWei? Once upon a time, we have these in with the secondary color dream university students who are Shouting: plain is the most true. And some people think that as long as "otherwise, serene life" can be free to live, have to zhuang zi's "inaction" thoughts to carry on the general trend. What makes us rich campus life fade color? What makes us real magma solidification, not blood from heart? Because we don't have entered the dream of the ivory tower? Because we did not get out of the confused myself strip? Or because our hearts are really not young, is to see everything in the flat? No! All is not! Dominate the world Is you, give up the world is still you.

The best life, not life expectancy of the people, but most can feel the life of the people. In addition to you no into the ideal university,

You haven't noticed in addition to an almost successful love, in addition to the vanity in the air, in your heart you feel how much right to life? Life on earth gave you how many real burden on uneven? No! Because only in contemporary China, in our country where illiteracy and semiliterate hundreds of millions of, college students had been high social expectation, also looking forward to the society too much, just because we cannot properly estimate oneself, also can't correctly understand society. The flat state of mind, that is still a bad excuse. Then, you ever also want to do something, but don't know where to start, follow, in front of the temptation away from the natural state, is the era of mud and sand flow together tide carrying floating around. When you are tired to walk three hundred and sixty miles, you only to find that behind in addition to the flat, what also have no.

No longer look back, not just the old operation, not just those of the stars at night and the moon, and in the passage of our youth. Four years, we are lucky enough to have the four years, but how many people had gone four years; How many people are still more to have these four years and in a stream and all kinds of simulation test, when we came out from their this kind of condition,Walk into many people dream of university, is in pursuit of "plain is the true"?

In our day every four years, pour into the care of relatives and warm, their hard sweat, flowing silently support the choice to the children, their only hope is that we could go the way of your own life. Do we pay our golden years, writing with the blood of parents is only in exchange for the plain? Everything is just in exchange for a 60 points of graduation card? Small to pay for each family, big to for the time that's gone, like how we can easily identify with "plain" is true? Don't be saddened leaves, as the spring rain tears; Don't careless swing back the sun of summer, make till winter snow to decorate their veil; Years may wrinkle the skin, and lose enthusiasm wrinkle the soul.

With new confidence, we try to take out our youth enthusiasm, graduated from university four years, looking back, we don't have flat, regret the youth. Let our youth float in the sky!

英文发言稿格式及范文 篇二

How to Cope With Stress in College

Do you hAve difficulty in breAthingDo you usuAlly lose your sleepDo you feel irritAble recentlyAnd whether you hAve A heAdAche And cold pAlms or notIf so, it proves thAt you Are stressful recently, therefore you should know how to relieve stress. TodAy, my topic is how to cope with stress in college.

College life cAn be very stressful. Although stress is A normAl sense for everyone, it’s difficult to mAke A bAlAnce between the two extremes. First of All, we should figure out the sources of stress. The competition for grAdes, the need to perform, interpersonAl relAtionship, cAreer choice And mAny other Aspects of the college environment cAuse stress. These fActors Are connected with our fAmily, peers And society. Almost every student hAs to fAce stress of exAms, As for us, we must consider some tests About our mAjor, for instAnce, CET-6 And TEM-8. And the mAjority of us should Accept the stress from fAmily. Our pArents All hope thAt we cAn get A good job After grAduAtion, they keeping reminding us of the significAnce of the future job no mAtter how hArd we work in college. We Also hAve stress from peers who try their very best to study, hence we must keeping moving in order not to lAg behind them.

But before condemning stress outright, we need to understAnd thAt stress is only hArmful when it is excessive. Some of the stress thAt we All experience is helpful And stimulAting. The chAllenges of life tend to be

stressful And An Attempt to Avoid stress completely would leAd to A rAther boring existence. After reAlizing the cAuses of stress, we cAn mAnAge them by meAns of bAlAncing the two extremes. MAybe we cAn communicAte with our pArents And seek understAnding And support from them. Besides, we cAn tAke pArt in outdoor Activities. If necessAry, we cAn put ourselves in nAture temporArily And then we cAn forget something stressful.

Proper stress is the power of mAking progress,developing A bAlAnced lifestyle,gAining ideAs by discussing problems with other students or teAchers,building A sense of life meAning And mAking stress stepping-stone in the wAy of success cAn help you relieve your stress in college.

ThAnk you for listening my speech.

英文发言稿格式及范文 篇三

I Love English

Good morning everyone:

I Am Qu Jierui. I’m from ClAss Two GrAde Six. It’s my pleAsuer to stAnd here to tAlk About English with you.

I love English. English lAnguAge is now used everywhere in the world. LeArning English mAkes me confident And brings me greAt pleAsure.

When I wAs five, my mother sent me to A kindergArten. At there, I plAyed gAmes And sAng English songs with other children . Then I discovered the beAuty of the lAnguAge, And begAn my colorful dreAm in the English world.

EverydAy, I reAd English following the tApes. Sometimes, I wAtch English cArtoons. At recess, I often go to English corner to tAlking with teAchers And clAssmAtes, I hAve mAde more And more friends As well As improved my orAl English.

I hope I cAn trAvel Around the world somedAy. I wAnt to go to AmericA to visit

WAshington Monument, becAuse the president WAshington is my idol. Of course, I wAnt to go to London too, becAuse EnglAnd is where English lAnguAge developed. If I cAn ride my bike in CAmbridge university, I will be very hAppy. I hope I cAn speAk English with everyone in the world. I'll introduce ChinA to them, such As the GreAt WAll, the Forbidden City And my hometown—Zouping

As everyone knows, Rome wAs not built in A dAy. I believe thAt if I study hArd, I cAn speAk English very well in the future. And I Am sure thAt I will reAlize my dreAm one dAy!

ThAt’s All .ThAnk you for your Attention.

英文演讲稿 篇四

In my understanding, if we refer to an ideal college life as a formalwestern dinner, then a high GPA, that is, Grade Point Average, should be themain course, while an active part in activities, together with associations,means the appetizer. Some romances, of course, play the role as desserts. Theyare the 3 key elements for an ideal college life.

Those, however, are not what college life is all about. As we all know,college is wildly different from middle school. It connects not only adolescenceto adulthood, but also the ivory tower to the real society. Therefore, the idealcollege life is that I become matured both physically and mentally, and that Iobtain qualified academic knowledge and get well prepared for society at thesame time.

Under this circumstance, I never expect my college life to be too ideal, oryou can call it too perfect. It is not realistic to make all things on my ownway, with everyone liking me, winning the first prize all the time, and so on.Of course, I’d like to lead a carefree life. However, this does little good tomy future. What really helps is hardships like failure, betrayal, and unjusttreatment. Only after experiencing those can I know what society is like, andwhat life is like.

To conclude my speech, I wanna say, some positive experiences are surelypart of the ideal college life. But, I should not forget about the negativesides. They are not less necessary.

英文演讲稿 篇五

July Bahrain, when the heat, the maximum outdoor temperature of nearly 50degrees Celsius, during the holiday for more than a month, no rain, the weatheris becoming increasingly hot. Bahrain has been hailed as the Middle East in HongKong, the environment is beautiful, the sky is blue, no layer of dark clouds;sea is very clear, one can see the sea; the air is fresh, no dust, streetpedestrians rarely, mostly open All kinds of cars Mercedes - Benz in thestreets.

Bahrain's people are "romantic". Listen to my father said, "wave" that theyare lazy, very waste of time; "diffuse" that their life is very slow pace, weheard all laughed. Most locals in Bahrain are wearing robes, head turban, menwear white robe, wearing a pink scarf on his head. Women wear black robe, blacksand towel, only a pair of big and bright eyes. We worry about wearing suchclothes in the summer will be very hot, my father said my worry is superfluous,said: This can block the sun, but also allows the air convection, but will playthe role of cooling, folk wisdom is amazing.

Bahrain's roadside planted a lot of palm trees, because it is built in thedesert in the country, the soil lack of water, so every tree is buried under thewater pipes, I could not help feeling Bahrain people how much love theenvironment, hope They made the desert an oasis as soon as possible and trulybecame a pearl in the Middle East.

Bahrain's people are very friendly and curious about our performance, afterall, people face and customs vary greatly, often meet will look for a while,will take the initiative to help us take pictures and answer our inquiries, butnot sure we are Chinese, Japanese or Koreans, it is no wonder that we see theycan not distinguish between the specific people of the Middle East. In the bigshopping malls, to facilitate the parents with the children can be happy toprovide a free children's little train around the mall tour back and forth, asif the fairy tale in the real around the tour.

Bahrain's most exciting car, Bahrain's street running a lot of super cars,there are Lamborghini, Porsche, and different styles, in my hometown has neverseen. The car ran quickly, I walked on the road, do not feel frightenedscared.

The beach to catch crabs very interesting, high tide, the tide brought manylarge and small crabs, I took a flashlight on their body a photo, a small crabon a move did not dare to move. I took them out in the iron bucket, they keptcrawling, looking at these seductive spoils, tired up the middle of the nightswept away, I exclaimed exclaimed: here really like a thousand Night fairykingdom ah.

英语演讲稿 篇六

General Introduction

I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D. graduate program.

Education background

In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science & Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools. During the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester,In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test.

At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester, I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. Presently, I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of Excellent Graduation Thesis.

Research experience and academic activity

When a sophomore, I joined the Association of AI Enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research. With the tool of OpenGL and Matlab, I designed a simulation program for transportation scheduling system. It is now widely used by different research groups in NUST. I assumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis & dispose project for Nanjing sewage treatment plant. This was my first practice to convert a laboratory idea to a commercial product.

In retrospect, I find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience, which has prepared me for the Ph.D. program. My future research interests include: Network Scheduling Problem, Heuristic Algorithm research (especially in GA and Neural network), Supply chain network research, Hybrid system performance analysis with Petri nets and Data Mining.












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