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风月俏佳人英文台词 第1张

求一篇《pretty woman》(风月俏佳人)的英文赏析

This is Hollywood where people come to fulfill their dreams! Some dreams come true and some don't! Believe in your dreams!While visiting Los Angeles for a week, Edward Lewis borrows his friend's car and gets lost on Hollywood Boulevard... He asks a hooker for directions... She proposes to help him for 5 dollars... For $20, she accepted to show him where the stars live...Edward invites her to join him in his hotel suite, but not for sex...Enjoying her company, he offers her to be his 'date' for a series of business activities including a strategic dinner and a pool match... Out of the 'bargain,' she gets $3,000 cash, a classier wardrobe and a visit to the opera...All the characters of the film are convincing, original and sympathetic, feeling comfortable with each other... Director Gary Marshall did a great job...Ideal for the role is Richard Gere... He plays the terrific rescuer who 'free' Vivian from the streets conducting her to his penthouse suite... He is handsome, charming and shy... 'Henry Higgins' at his best... But Edward Lewis is a millionaire... He buys companies that are in financial difficulty... He takes them apart and sells the pieces for more than he paid for the whole... It's strictly business, he tells Vivian... You and I are both such similar people. We both screw people for money. Edward's only defect is that he hurts what he loves... He wins a certain imaginative power by how painful that treason is...Julia Roberts plays Vivian Ward, an attractive and smart hooker with a heart of gold... She gives her character a great sense of humor, charming Edward with her honesty... She is intensely appealing and amusing, making any man feel comfortable...Into the snobbish clothing store, she delivers a great exit line, just devastating the saleswomen... The song is terrific as the scene... In the hotel lobby, she walks in a 'killer' red dress... She learns which fork to use in the formal dinner meeting, projecting an escargot through the air... At the opera she innocently asks: Where's the band?There's more than a touch of Eliza Dolittle in her role, specially when she decides she wants more from Edward than money... She gets the perfect rescue scene with a limousine, a fire escape, a balcony, birds, music and red flowers...Hector Elizondo turns a supporting role into more than that... He plays the formal, intolerant hotel manager... He takes an affection to his best customer's niece and trains her on which fork to use at a fancy dinner... His amusing performance as Edward's smooth competent hotel manager nearly shapes Roberts and Gere...Ralph Bellamy is incredibly good as the aging millionaire, creator of a small company Edward is trying to take to pieces...Laura San Giacomo plays Vivian's pal roommate, her first role since she played the amorous sister in sex, lies & videotape.Pretty Woman is a contemporary Hollywood fairy tale, a sweet romantic comedy, an innocent love story in the middle of self-interest and agreement... It remains as an entertaining motion picture that had women calling out the delights of true love...Keep on dreaming! Was the above comment useful to you? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 out of 27 people found the following comment useful :-88 of therapy!!, 18 November 2001Author: m_madhu from chennai, indiathe bad stuff is easier to believe. you ever notice that? - vivianok, so pretty woman is a romantic movie, its cliched, its corny, its sappy. but hey, beyond all that is a special movie with some very special performances. julia roberts as vivian ward is absolutely adorable, one of the most lovable characters of alltime. and those long legs help - like she says - 88 of therapy for the bargain price of $3000the movie has many memorable lines and if you fall in love with the movie you will go back to it again and again. this is easily the best romantic comedy movie of the 90s. though many movies have hence tried to recreate its charm, nothing has quite succeeded to replace this movie as the pinnacle of the genre.and this ofcourse is high praise from someone who hates the genre. the story ofcourse is very predictable and cinderella like. however this is beautifully told and the on-screen chemistry between the very dashing richard gere and julia roberts is simply sensational. an absolute must for fans of romance, comedy, any kind of light hearted movies or for those who are big fans of julia or richard. watch this movie.


漂亮女人,你走在街上 漂亮女人,你就是我想要遇见的那类 漂亮女人,你要我怎么相信你你的感觉是那么的不真实 神啊,没人能像你一样美丽 漂亮女人打扰一下吗

漂亮女人,我总是情不自禁的看你 漂亮女人,你已经没法再可爱了 你是否也像我一样孤独寂寞呢

漂亮女人,快停下你的脚步 漂亮女人,请和我谈谈吧 漂亮女人,快对我微笑漂亮女人,朝我这儿看 漂亮女人,说你会和我在一起 因为我需要你,我会好好对待你到这儿来宝贝,今夜让我心在一起 漂亮女人,不要再继续漂泊 漂亮女人,不要令我哭泣 漂亮女人,不要离开



《风月俏佳人又麻雀变凤凰》、《漂亮女人》(Pretty Woman)  导演:加里·马歇尔  主演:李察·基尔  朱丽娅·罗伯茨  拉尔夫·贝拉米  出品:1990 美国试金石影片公司  剧情:  爱德华·刘易斯是个身家百万的企业巨头,也是个潇洒迷人的青年  男子。


















  正当她准备出门时,爱德华的汽车已停到了门外……  《风月俏佳人》是一部浪漫轻喜剧式的爱情故事,无论从内容结构还是人物性格上,对这种古老的模式都既有借鉴又有发扬。










