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dota2英文台词大全 第1张




often I am asked我总会被很多人询问what does a hero truly need?一个英雄真正需要什么?much depends upon the hero这很大程度上取决于英雄本身would you be swift?如果你选择敏捷then for you I have speed beyond measure那么我会给你无与伦比的速度would you be strong?如果你选择力量?then I can grant you the might to overpower any foe那么我将给你打到一切敌人的力量.would you be wish?如果你选择智慧?then come closer and I will unlock your inner ken那么靠近我,我将释放你内在的潜能what does a hero truly need?一个英雄真正需要什么?that is for you to decide这就取决于你的选择了打个英文真不容易...


Another is always ready.杀了,还有者行孙。

I am no thief. I merely borrow读书人的事情,怎能算偷,这是借Better to run than curse the road.与其感慨路难行,不如Day walker, night stalker.白昼行将,。

Three the shard way冰分三路Thy life's weight in mana pay.魔法之血债,汝之性命来偿还

I'll shatter the Dead God's legions, as they murdered the monks of Turstarkuri!星隐寺惨遭灭门,死神军团,我誓报此仇

斧王No business but war. No family but death. No mercy but the grave!战,无需多言。



Always a pleasure being stalked by the Templar Assassin.裙下死,做鬼也风流。

兽王Your elements return to nature.尘归尘,土归土。

炼金术士Greed is Good(致敬魔兽争霸3,作弊指令)血魔Your blood is mine.(致敬魔兽争霸3,恶魔猎手台词)赏金猎人No job is too big, no fee is too big.不嫌生意难做,不嫌赏金太多My blades will do the talking.我的刀为我代言酒仙In a straight line.走直线Bottoms up!感情深一口闷

Drink and be bleary, for tomorrow we die.今朝有酒今朝醉,明日愁来明日愁。

【自遣 - [唐]罗隐】半人马战行者Hurts you more than it hurts me.自损八百,伤敌一千!


Doom Bringer 末日守卫  出生时:  I bring doom.我带来末日  攻击时:  Upon my horns, I'll gore thee.我会用角撞伤你  Burning steel.燃烧的钢铁  Slice your throat!切断你的喉咙  吞噬:  Nnnn, I hunger.恩……饿了  等级炮:  He hah, a demon's luck with numbers. 啊哈,恶魔的幸运数字  Burned you to ashes.把你烧成灰  杀死英雄时:  See you in the seven hell.我在第七层地域等你  嘲讽英雄时:  Cold day in Hells. 地狱中寒冷的岁月  Chen, now you are holy.陈,你光荣了  Omni Knight, your night is over. 全能,你的夜晚已经结束了  Storm Spirit, you're a pretentious bastard.风暴之灵,你这个狂妄自大的可怜虫  Storm Spirit, I eat your tangos.风暴之灵,我把你的吃树吃掉了哈  Storm Spirit, enjoy the firestorm.风暴之灵,享受火焰风暴吧  Stom Spirit, shut up.风暴之灵,闭嘴吧(到底应该谁闭嘴啊)  Storm Spirit, I weary of your endless self-promotion.风暴之灵,我受够了你的自我感觉良好  Hell…freezes…over.地狱已经冰封千里  死亡时:  Returned to the furnace.重回炼炉  I fall to the seven hells.我落入的第七层地域  My sword grows cold.我的剑在变冷  罕见:  Hehm ehme meh heh heh, speak of me, and I shall appear. Face me and face the furnace!哼哼,说到我我得出现一下,看着我,看着这个大熔炉=======================================================其实我觉得应该加一句 You are all my sons.挺好的


often I am asked我总会被很多人询问what does a hero truly need?一个英雄真正需要什么?much depends upon the hero这很大程度上取决于英雄本身would you be swift?如果你选择敏捷then for you I have speed beyond measure那么我会给你无与伦比的速度would you be strong?如果你选择力量?then I can grant you the might to overpower any foe那么我将给你打到一切敌人的力量.would you be wish?如果你选择智慧?then come closer and I will unlock your inner ken那么靠近我,我将释放你内在的潜能what does a hero truly need?一个英雄真正需要什么?that is for you to decide这就取决于你的选择了打个英文真不容易...


幻影长Another is always ready.杀了孙行者,还有者行孙。



