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双城记英文读后感 篇一

"This is the best of times and the worst of times." The first sentence of a tale of two cities is quoted numerous times. But I guess the man who knows this sentence and the novel "tale of two cities" tells a story, and does not know why. If you want to understand the original meaning of this sentence, and why you write this classic sentence, it is natural to read the original.

"In short, that era is so similar to todays." This sentence actually explains the two questions of the above classic sentence: why do you say that, and to whom? This is one of the reasons why the novel was born, dickens hope that through such a novel, by describing the French revolution brought disaster to the people to express their own worry, warn the dangerous situat<>ion at the same time. A revolutionary history, two cities representing two countries, a few wind and rain people, constitute the main elements of the novel.

Although the tale of a tale of two cities is a classic novel, it is considered to be the authors view of history because it explicitly states that the revolutionary background is the French revolution. And that is the focus of countless controversies over the novel. In the novel, dickens showed the cruelty of the aristocracy, but also showed the irrational destruction of the revolutionary masses. The revolution, he argued, was a kind of oppression that replaced another kind of oppression, and a bloodbath that was a direct and heavy one instead of another. A series of depictions of the storming of the bastille and of the mob - bloody, brutal, cunning, malevolent - is the most striking aspect of the novel.

Dickens has devoted a great deal of ink to the evil of the mob, showing his abhorrence of the mob and, in a certain degree, the hatred of the revolution. Of course, as a humanist, dickens also points out the cure for the world: love. This kind of love, embodied in the novel includes family love, love, friendship and such private feelings, also includes the abandonment of the aristocracy, the salvation of the kind of fraternity. Among them, the most brilliant is the description of cartons love.

I like carton very much. In fact, carton was the embodiment of dickens, and dickens was the first to think of the man and the spirit of his body to conceive the novel. So, what was carton like? The novel describes: "the sun is sad and mournful, and the rising of sorrow, the sight unseen, is nothing worse than this man. He is talented and emotional, but he has no opportunity to show his talent. He cant do anything, and he cant make his own happiness. He knew his problem, but he resigned himself to his fate, and he wasted all his time, year after year.

It is a young man who has lost his talent and youth. The novel does not appear to have been explained, since he has appeared in the first place, and has not written much about his family background. Personally, this man represents dickens himself, so he does not need to describe too much - the fall of carton comes from his frustration with the deteriorating society. He went up to the guillotine and said, "I see the evil of this age, and the evil of the former times, which has caused this evil, and I have gradually died for my SINS."

Pessimists - caton, was rejected by his friends meet with difficulties, in the love of a womans husband is about to be guillotined in when he suddenly appeared, be dont save the situation, do price with his own life, in the Nick of time to make a replace plan to rescue his beloved womans husband.

It is not the love of Christ, who has redeemed his sin and died. In fact, in the novel, carton did indeed say, in the biblical tone, "the resurrection is in me, the life is in me, and the man who believes in me, though dead, will rise again. And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. This is the medicine that dickens prescribed for "the worst of times", but it is, after all, an ideal. It is said that the tale of a tale of two cities is an immortal work without Sidney. The existence and behavior of carton, the novel loses its value and brilliance.

英文版双城记的读后感 篇二

"It was the best of years, it was the worst of years, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.。. We go straight to heaven, and we go straight to hell, "and dickens begins the tale of two cities with this sentence.

The beautiful miss manette, after she was an adult, knew that her father was still alive. She has been dealing with her father's family affairs and property, jarvis. Mr. Lory accompanied her to meet his father. On the way back, the father was taken care of by his daughter, and on the mail ship from France to England, Charles. Mr. Danay gave his parents, who had rested on the deck, the help, the first acquaintance, and the two left a good impression. In Charles. At the first trial, miss manette, as a witness, was assisted by Mr Carton, Charles. Darnay is out of danger. The fate of the three is tied together.

Spoony Charles. Da nai complained to his horse to horse nate doctor Burnett love stories, just read, I think he's smart, know the key to the book after reading it, I see Mr Ma nate to her daughter's blessing is need how much courage. The proposers are the offspring of the men who broke up their families. When he felt his daughter to Charles. After danai's love, he gave the couple the most holy blessing. The husband and wife are in love, the father and the daughter are strong, the child is healthy, the friend is loyal, the heaven is only so. "Needless to say, because she is thrifty, carefully, and arrange very elegant, have a rich a rich yulin, no waste, their home in this and even the slightest echo, are like music to her beauty. Needless to say, her father told her many times, he thought the marriage than unmarried more filial piety he (if any) may be more filial piety, her husband told her many times, in spite of all worry about the matter, she has to do all the obligations, does not seem to be distracted, and her love for him, for his help, and asked her, "we all think you look over everything, we would like one person, but you never seem to hurry-scurry, also not too tired, what's your secret to this trick ah, my dear?" "

Carton, from the love of miss manette, was so solemn, so noble, that she spoke of her life and her feelings for her. Miss manette had also given him his best friendship. 'I can't save you, Mr. Carton? I can't cheer you up -- forgive me again! -- on the right track? Can't I repay your trust? I know it's trust. Her sincerity, won the affection of friends, saved her lover and family.

A letter changed the family, leaving the husband dead. Charles. Darnay automatically threw himself into the heat of France and was imprisoned. The father, who had been taken care of by his daughter, became the protector of the whole family. Without law courts and trials, blood flows into rivers, murders, vengeance. Any small storm could ruin a life and ruin a family. When her husband was in custody, miss manette went to the place where the husband might see her. Charles. Darnay's second trial, a narrow escape. The third trial, the doctor's influence no longer, faces Charles. At the end of darnell's death, caton saved her husband, Charles, for miss manette, with her own life. Darnay rose from the dead. She deserves a man to love at the cost of his life.

Madame Defarge received the admiration of her husband, and her faithful love. For revenge, she would kill the count's blood. "O freedom, how many SINS are thy name! 。 Miss pross, "with a passionate love that is often stronger than hate," clung to madame Defarge, and in the struggle, madame Defarge injured her own life. Miss pross's love for miss manette came from miss manette's affection for her. Once again, her love saved her family.

Jarvis. In lory, the typical English gentleman, with his meticulous and emotional restraint, the bachelor was warm and consoled at miss manette's house, and kept his old friend in his life.

Miss manette, like a pearly woman, guarded her family and warmed her friends. Better a virtuous woman than a pearl!

双城记英文读后感 篇三

These days I have read the well-known masterpiece A Tale of Two Cities. There are various roles in the book, and their relationship is amazing, which is unimaginabe.

The two cities mean England and Paris. The background of the novel is the big Revolution of France. The brutal Mrs.Defarge, innocent Charels, very kind Mr.Sydney Carden, and the devoted maiden gave me a deep impression.

I have a favorable impression about good persons while I hate the bad guys. Mr Carden was loyal to friends. He valued the sentiment among others. He fell in love with Lucy the first time he met her. Although Lucy refused him, his love for her was never changed. He even exchange himself for Lucy's husband to jail because he hoped Lucy would never be sad. This figure moved me so much.

英文版双城记的读后感 篇四

This winter vacation I read the works of dickens, the following is my feeling.

The story goes that the marquis of evremonde raped the peasant woman, and her brother knew it, and he fought with the marquis and failed. And he was badly hurt. Perhaps the marquis did not want to make a big deal of it. Just a doctor, and this is another important character, Dr. Manette. And the poor Dr Manette was sent to the bastille by the marquis for his knowledge of the matter. Eighteen years later, it's time to meet again.。.

I see a lot of different people in the story. Honest good horse knight doctor, sweet Lucy, elegant and noble, Charles loyal lowry, appearance indifference, inner passion, wild and selfless lofty Sidney, distorted humanity's hair day, Mrs Miss generous loyalty prologis, cruel and wicked fremont brothers el.。.

This Charles was a nephew of the marquis of esremonde, but he did not accept the title and left France for England. He became a French teacher by himself in London.

There was also a man named Sidney carton, who looked at the ceiling from the beginning of the court, but one of his notes debunked the plaintiff's plot. It was easy for him to give the impression of slovenliness, depression, and greed, but he changed his clothes with Charles in an emergency, through a jailer, to Charles's prison. Consequences, Charles was sent out of the French, but were guillotined caton, he said a words: before death is what I do now I have done the best, the most good things in life; What I am about to receive is the quietest and most peaceful rest of my life.

After the revolution, the revolutionaries are lost reason, killing innocent people, and in order to save Charles former servant, stand and walk, came to France, but the results were revolutionaries to escape the identity to shut up, Lucy and her father horse knight doctor hurriedly rushed to France, because of his off in the bastille for eighteen years, be called a hero, his son-in-law and privileged ─ Charles provides a good condition. But she was the sister of the brother and sister, and she had always hated the marquis of evremonde. Charles was also the nephew of the marquis of evremonde, so she tried her best to make the most of Charles. But in the end he died in his own gun.

The novel ended with a "happy reunion," but my heart was filled with bitterness when I read that carton was replacing Charles on the execution grounds for Lucy.

双城记英文读后感 篇五

The author of this book is dickens. Born in 1812, he was the second son of a naval officer, John dickens and Elizabeth barlow.

The book says that poor Dr Manette, who had been imprisoned in the bastille prison for 19 years by the aristocracy, moved him to live in England. In the court, the father and daughter met the French nobleman darley and the ruined master carton. Later, Lucy and caton got married and lived happily for ten years.

After the French revolution, gray was arrested for rescuing innocent servants from the French aristocracy. And carton, in keeping with his promise to Lucy, made use of his resemblance to darley, and replaced him with the guillotine before darley was executed.

Novel through typical case is highly generalization to expose the eve of the French revolution, Britains social status, on the one hand is high is the ruling class of cruelty, on the one hand, the masses of working people under the exploitation and oppression of the feudal aristocracy led a very miserable life, thus profoundly reveals the revolution is inevitable.




