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白鲸(Moby Dick)是19世纪美国最重要的`小说家之一赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville 1819—1891)于1851年发表的一篇海洋题材的小说,小说描写了亚哈船长为了追逐并杀死白鲸(实为白色抹香鲸)莫比·迪克,最终与白鲸同归于尽的故事。下面是小编辛苦为朋友们带来的5篇《英语小说读后感》,可以帮助到您,就是金笔头网小编最大的乐趣哦。

英语小说读后感 篇一

Written in the first chapter of the book Pride and Prejudice is an extraordinary sentence of which even a person who has had only a brief look upon the book will not fail to receive a deep impression-It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. In terms of Sherlock Holmes, we’d better alter the sentence into “It is a fact universally accepted by readers throughout the world that an excellent book in possession of our famous detective Sherlock Holmes is undoubtedly a masterpiece of all times.” Perhaps this is one of the most obvious explanations for the unrivaled popularity of “Holmes series” in the field of detective stories. Overwhelmed by the recommendations provided by my friends, I decided to take a look on this Sherlock Holmes and the Duke’s Son originally published by Oxford University Press.

As a whole, this book is about a case concerning the Duke’s missing son. Arthur, the Duke’s son, was found out in a certain morning to have disappeared, accompanied with which was also the disappearance of the German teacher. The school master Dr. Huxtable then turned to the famous detective of the time Sherlock Holmes for help. Realizing how tough and important the case is, Holmes immediately made up his mind to accept the case and followed Dr. Huxtable back to Mackleton by train. Having formed a rough idea about the whole matter, Holmes probed into the case immediately and had a careful investigation of the entire area shortly after the arrival, during the proceof which he discovered the body of the German teacher Heidegger. Finally, primarily due to his prominent ability as a detective, he managed to unravel the mystery and obtained the twelve thousand pounds promised by the Duke.

Having once started reading this fiction, I was completely immersed in the mysterious stor.

英语小说读后感 篇二

After reading this wonderful story, I can feel love, brave, deep friendship and some other good spirits in the people.

The Scarecrow wanted some brains, but on the way to the Emerald City, he thought out of a way to cross the river. The Cowardly Lion wanted to be brave, but when they met the river, he carried other friends to jump across it. And the Tin Man wanted a heart, he said he couldn’t love, but he didn’t want to hurt any animal.

In fact, they all have the things they want: the Scarecrow is clever, the Cowardly Lion is brave and the Tin Man is kind-hearted.

This book tells us a story of how a little girl Dorothy goes back to her hometown when she is in another strange city. Dorothy is a little girl who lived with her aunt and uncle in Kansas. The weather there is very bad, sometimes there was a cyclone. When a cyclone came, people stayed under their houses. But one day a cyclone blows Dorothy’s house, with Dorothy and her dog Toto in it, to a country called Oz. In that city there are four witches and a very famous wizard—the Wizard of Oz. And Dorothy’s house just fell on the bad Witch of the East and killed her, so the people there were very happy. Dorothy took the witch’s red shoes and wore them. She wanted to go home to Kansas but she doesn’t know how to get there. So the Witch of North told her to go to the Emerald City to find the Wizard of Oz to help her. Then Dorothy met the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion, but they need help too. The Scarecrow wanted some brains, the Tin Man wanted a heard, and the Cowardly Lion wanted to be rave. So they all take the yellow brick road to the Emerald City. On the way to the Emerald City they met some difficulties, but they solved them successfully. After they met the Wizard of Oz, the wizard gave them another challenge—to kill the bad Witch of the West and they accept. During the way to the Witch of the West’s house, they were caught by the witch and Dorothy was requested to work for her. One day, when the witch tried to catch Dorothy’s red shoes, Dorothy threw some water on the witch by accident and the Witch of the West disappeared. Only water can kill her. So Dorothy went back to the Emerald City with her friends but they found the Wizard of Oz is not a real wizard, he is also a man came from Kansas, and he is just a conjurer. He wanted to go back to Kansas too. So he made a big balloon and prepared to go. But when the balloon is going to raise, Dorothy’s dog Toto jumped away to run after a cat, so Dorothy had to get Toto back and they were left in Oz. Then Dorothy and Toto went and find the Witch of the South and the witch told them they can just use the red shoes on Dorothy’s feet, they’re a pair of magic shoes, they could take anybody go back to their home as soon as she said‘East, west—home is the best!’After Dorothy said goodbye to her friends, she went back to her new home with her dog. It’s really a wonderful risk.

Yes, no matter where we are, home is always the best place for us to rest or study. There are our parents here; there are also our favorite things here. At home, we feel safe, we feel comfortable, and we can relax ourselves.

英语小说读后感 篇三

O.Henry,originally named William Sydeny Porter,was a renowned American writer.He wrote about 300 short stories in his life,and all of his stories were ingeniously conceived and its endings were always contrary to reader“s expectations. when I was still a junior middle school student,I read the o.henry”s short stories at first time,without some profound understanding and appreciation in my mind.At that time,the sense of humor infiltrating in stories is the sole aesthetic acquisition I can gained after reading,with exception of any understanding about the underlying meanings which O.henry was apt to elucidate.but now,picking up these masterpieces after five years,I seemingly can get through some metaphorical thoughts co m. nveyed by O.henry.

it is a univerisal common knowledge that a writer“s articles have firm relationship with his living condition and background.hence,a explicit knowledge of o.henry”s living background is significant.O.henry was born in 1862,when america“s economy was taking off and on the threshold of the second industrial revolution.And he passed away at 1910,just before WWI,without being involved in havoc brought by war.Altogether,America enjoyed a steady prosperity in this period.while in the meantime,many new problems occured,accompanying by some new phonemenon such as the monopoly,assembly producting,imperialism,metopolitons and etc,which lead to a confusion and nebulous gratification among US citizens.

Most o.henry”s short stories happened in New york,which was regarded as a romantic place.whether this city he created was real or fabricated is ultimately irrelevant.Id like to quote a famous critics“ sayingthe most noble pursuit of art,then, is not to be a representation of what is real,but to be true to what it illustrate this issue.for instance,in the story,Mr. Behrman drew a leaf on the wall.but is this wall really keeps its exsistance?is it really located in a unknown corner of new york city? as far as i am concerned,it is just a manifestation of artistic characteristic of o.henry”s writing.whats more,the city also represented much of what was positive about american life:the excitment and endless varity of urban living.whereas,some of his stories focus on other areas as well,like Texas and the west,central america,the south,the midest.In his story,it is a rash one who will lay his finger on the map and sayin this town there can be no romance---what could happen here?so,as a distinguished romanticist,he established a marvelous,romantic stroy in Nashville.

On the other hand,O.henry“s fictions overwhelmingly show a cue of optimisticism towards usa,an expression of the b faith in the american dream before it become a nightmare.many poor people and immigrants cherish such an america dream,which is nebulous,implicit to some extent.it seemed like that presupposing one has eternal confidence in life,he will recieve his reward in time.so lovers in o.henry”s stories,who often seperated by fate and destiny,were doomed to reunite out of their faith and confidence in hearts.Joy,happiness and success also becomes the essence of life.

in conclusion,o.henry made remarkable and collossal contribution to american literature,which has already portrayed as summit of this area.beckoning as it is,these stories really bring us a fabulous aesthetic experience while reading,regardless of his seemingly sentimental expression.

英文小说读后感 篇四

To tell the truth, "secret garden" is a good book, no wonder the JK Rowling said: Reading the "secret garden" feeling pretty good."Secret Garden" is the U.S. writer Frances. Burnetts works. I have read the "Little Princess" is also her writing. So I am very interested in her works.

Edison has said so: good book is the author left to the human gift. This how a good book in that kind of a story?

Pofu story to a mysterious and legendary ancient manor of color as the background, through a day in lost both parents in the small Yuanduchongyang Mary, came to Britain from India took its Gufu - Zhuang Yuanzhu by a series of incredible Erwenmudu Mysterious incident, and reveals the secret of this ancient manor of the vicissitudes of history.

The author is extremely clever idea of art, so that the whole story, Central interlocking, twists and turns of tension, suspense ups and downs, she also delicate psychological description, the books characters to life, Huzhiyuchu…… However, we feel the novel is moving And sometimes Renjunbujin, and sometimes Cuirenleixia, is also the main author of his profound vision and sharp thinking, and is particularly valuable in a loving, true to reveal the different treatment of people living very different mentality.

Friends, when you read the novel, you will find not only enrich your knowledge, open up your vision, cultivate your sentiments, it will give you stay.

小说高老头英语读后感 篇五

In an apartment in Paris, there lived an old man named Gao riao. He lived in an apartment six years ago. Somehow, he changed from the best room to the lowest room, and the people became thinner and thinner. Finally, the change of the high old man mystery Rastignac opened a poor college student. It turned out that the old man was a flour merchant, and he sold the shop and gave them the money to please two daughters. After the two daughter got the money, he threw the high old man out of his home. The daughters of extremely cruel and merciless to want money to the poor old man, the old man was forced to pay a high last penny, resulting in a stroke attack. Before his death, high old man wants to see his daughter last side, are finding a way out, and he was only in a broken bed lonely and helpless passed away.

The novel is divided into two clues. The first is a tall old man describing high old man mills by speculation windfall widowed, most of the property as a dowry to two daughter when the aristocratic lady and bankers wife, live in shabby apartment Fugai. At first, the two daughters used to squeeze the last pensions, and when the money ran out, they didn't come again until he died in the yearning. Another clue is about the decline of the young family Rastignac determination in the world of money, he corrosion under the high old man's daughter as a stepping stone to enter the upper class. It attacks the cruel reality of money that dominates all sins.

In this paper, and a character is Oren, he is a desperately want to squeeze into the upper class students, even for this purpose over and over again to his mother, aunt, cousin for money, knowing that they have no money, or ask for money, therefore, mother and aunt had to go out to make money he is also the cousin, the case-dough all search. He took the money by not easily won, cousin (society later because of the betrayal of truly great men, lover and wake up and find a remote place to walk) in society at that time, he was very excited, because he entered the circle. Gorio is with him live in the same apartment, when he learned the truth of two daughters in the Austrian high on this strange old man look, then through a series of things change, he woke up, he was high in Austria love touched, for two daughters (especially small daughter and because they are in love, he tried to make her love to her father) were surprised at the indifference before his father died. At last, he buried the old man and buried his dream. In the social background of that time, he became a clear spring, though he was once dirty.

Who can say that there is no such a fact in today's society? When many people go to society, they can't afford to attract money and interests, and finally become slaves to money. Now there are corruption and bribery, extortion, robbery and robbery everywhere... Not all for money. What is the right? What is the end of the game? It's all the worry of the day, and the sleep is not good. The final face dark prison, reviled by the world. “Money is not the source of all evil, but you overly, excessively, greedily love it, rely on it, it is the source of all evil.”

The book “high old man” really makes me know that having power to gain benefits can only bring a moment of joy, not permanent. We should learn to dominate money instead of being dominated by money. And ask your conscience before doing every thing, because if you sell him out, conscience's accusation will fail you.









