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国庆节英语作文范文 篇一

My brother and I have been looking forward to going to Happy Valley for a long time, because we always wanted to go, but we didn't have the chance to go. On the national day, I thought my parents would take us, but who knows my parents said: "not today. I'll go again when I'm free. There will be more people shopping in the store than usual. Be obedient and I'll take you when I'm free." I thought my parents would take us, but their answer disappointed my brother and I. our dream of going to happy valley was broken. My brother and I still helped in the store.

I said to my parents, "how about letting me be the boss for a day today?" my parents said, "it's OK. Let you taste whether it's so easy to do business as you think, and let you taste the bitterness. You only have a mouth to eat every day."

Today is my first time to help my parents sell things. After dinner, we came to the first young man who came to buy film. He was tall and beautiful. I asked him what he needed? "Help me take out the 200 degree Kodak film and have a look," he said I handed him the film. He asked me which one is better for the current weather. I said, "the effect of Fuji is better than Kodak." He said, "take Fuji," and I said, "19 yuan." He gave me 50 yuan to change. I asked him if he had any change? He said fiercely, "don't you have one?" I was angry with him. I thought to myself, "if you don't, you won't coax me. Why are you so fierce? What's the use of looking so handsome? So fierce? I said," I'll give you 31 yuan. Take your time. " He ignored me, turned around and left.

I was about to go in for a drink when someone came again. This time, a gentle sister came. She could tell from her tone of voice. I asked her what she needed. She asked me what kind of film the weather was good for. I said, "the weather is better with Fuji than Kodak." "Take Fuji," she said I asked her if she needed a battery? She said no, thank you. I said, "19 yuan." She took a piece of 100 yuan. I didn't know whether it was true or false, so I took it to my father to identify it. My father said, "let her change it." I said to my sister, "can I change it?" She said wait a minute, I'll ask him to bring the money up. After she called the man up, the uncle took out his wallet and gave me a 50. He took the money and was about to give him the change. Suddenly, a dog came in. I saw that the dog had big eyes. I liked dogs and was afraid of dogs. As soon as I jumped onto the table, the man asked me why. I trembled and said there was a dog. I didn't dare to come down and give her the change until the sister came in and took the dog away, The sister left. I sat in a chair. It was funny to think of what happened just now.

Today, I learned that I should be serious and careful. I almost took a fake money today. I thought that my sister wouldn't take the fake money. Later, I thought about it and identified it. If I hadn't brought it to my father for identification, I would be beaten today. Some things are not as simple as we think, but we should guard against people's heart.

国庆节英语作文 篇二

National Day of the long history and goes back to ancient times. Therefore, the basis for the rest of the world have established the National Day bizarre. According to statistics, countries all over the world to establish the time of the country's National Day 35. China to the founding of the National Day on October 1, 1949. Occupying the capital of the day as the National Day of Cuba, Cambodia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Some of the country's Independence Day as the National Day of the country. January 1, 1804, the Haitian people annihilated the Napoleonic expedition to the 60,000 troops in Port-au-Prince to declare independence, and thus put to the annual National Day on January 1. Mexico, Ghana and other countries as well. Some countries to the armed intifada anniversary as a national holiday. Romania, the Communist Party led an armed uprising to overthrow the reactionary rule of Antonescu, to the anti-fascist war on August 23, 1944 as National Day. France to destroy symbols of the authoritarian period for its National Day. Some countries have a great day as the National Day of the meeting. July 4, 1776 the United States adopted the "Declaration of Independence" mainland date for the National Day. Canada is July 1, 1867 the British Parliament passed the "British North America Act" that day as the National Day. Japan is the birthday of Emperor Hirohito of Japan for the National Day. There is the head of state's birthday a national holiday, Nepal, Thailand, Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium and other countries.

国庆节英语作文范文 篇三

Before the national day, my mother-in-law and I were at home. What did you say? I often feel lonely! But this special day, my father said, take me to the county to play, I am happy to jump three feet high! My father took me out for the first time. I used to say that I was busy, or something, etc... I often expected and longed for father's love. On the night my father said to take me to the county, I lost sleep. Thinking that my father would take me to the county to play, thinking that it was the first time, my tears still flowed down.

Finally, I stayed up in the morning. Because I didn't sleep that night, I was a little sleepy in the morning. My father called me soon. I took my brother and got into my father's car, which was running on the road. My brother and I hummed a tune all the way, and we had an unspeakable joy. My brother and I have grown up in my mother-in-law's house since childhood and seldom get the love of my parents! We all cherish this day, and of course we are obedient. Soon, we arrived at Bishan County. As soon as we got off the bus, we jumped, and tall buildings rose from the ground. There were novelty everywhere! Dad said, take us to buy clothes, and we agreed at once! This time, dad is not saving. He bought clothes with his brother. Of course, so am I! Although it cost my father more than 800 yuan, there was no heartache on my father's face! There was a "Dexter" shop opposite to buying clothes. My father told us to go in and eat. We all know that it's very expensive. Last time, my mother bought us a small thing and spent 50 yuan. My brother and I didn't want to go in, but Dad pushed us in! I only ate a chicken leg and filled it. So did my brother. It was not delicious, but the taste was really delicious... It only cost more than 20 yuan, but my brother and I didn't think it was worth it! My father took me and my brother to play trampoline. I was very big, but my father also had to ask me to play. It's really fun. I've been in junior high school, but I also feel happy when I was a child! My brother and I jumped. My father looked down and showed a happy face. He was so kind and kind. I'm happy. Although I'm sweating, I'm happy.

At noon, my father took us to eat hot pot. My favorite is to eat hot pot! Dad ordered a lot of dishes, and we ate it for a long time

It's getting dark. Dad said he was going home. We got on the bus again. I didn't sleep last night. Now I'm very sleepy. My eyes are closed. After a while, I fell asleep in the parking space of my father's car. I don't know when to get home. But when I woke up, my father was beside me, the simple clothes covered me, my tears flowed down, and I tasted - sweet. Dad looked at me and cried and said to me, "what's the matter, boy!" "No, no, nothing!" Dad held me in his arms, so generous and warm... Tears came down again!

庆祝国庆节英语作文 篇四

Today, our family went to the Yellow River tourist area.

On the way, birds sing in groups. The sun is bright. Chrysanthemums greet the autumn wind with a smile and send bursts of fragrance. I said to my mother, "Mom, when can we get to the Yellow River tourist area?" my mother answered me, "Xiaoyu, this is the fifth time you have asked me. Be patient and I'll be there in a minute." so I had to sit patiently in the car. After a while, I fell asleep.

Finally reached the destination. My mother called me out of my sleep, and my sleep dispersed all at once. I couldn't wait to jump out of the car, put on my sunscreen and rushed to the ticket office.

The first place we came to was Yanhuang square. The majestic images of Yandi and Huangdi made people feel a bit awed. The Yan Emperor's eyes were serious, the Yellow Emperor's beard fluttered, and the two emperors looked very dignified, as if they were still seriously managing the country. There is a big clock in the middle of the square. My mother said that the big clock also means good luck!

The most interesting and thrilling link is the cableway. We stood on the platform of the cableway and looked down. There were green trees and birds playing among the branches. At this time, the wind blew, as if we were going to blow people down. I was worried. If the car fell down halfway, then.。. I entered the car with such worry. Finally, I eliminated this concern, because the cableway was not as fast as I thought, but slowly, and the wind blew on my face, which was not so terrible. After getting off the cableway, we are still resting in a farmyard!

This is really a happy National Day. The beautiful Yellow River tourist area will be engraved in my heart forever.

庆祝国庆节英语作文 篇五

Today is a special day. Everyone must know! Today is national day. How are you doing. I had a good time, especially those three things, which I will never forget.

Funny story 1: as soon as my parents and I finished dinner, we went to the pedestrian street. Along the way, the pedestrian street is crowded. If my father hadn't reminded me, I wouldn't have recognized the pedestrian street. There are lush trees everywhere. I didn't expect that the pedestrian street has changed so much in just a few days. It's true that grandma Liu went to the Grand View Garden. This trip really opened my eyes. Eh, there are so many people around there! Go and have a look. WOW! It turned out that the drum team cheered us to celebrate the national day. I saw those old grannies full of energy and beating drums rhythmically. This is also a hot spot in pedestrian street.

Interesting story 2: in the afternoon, my family and my grandfather went to Tianxia fishing village for dinner. There is a feature here, that is, you should order and cook what you want to eat. As soon as I heard this, I said, "it's up to me to order today." then I ran to order. WOW! There are so many fish here! There are eel, Chinese sturgeon, sea Saint.。. Everything. Otherwise, how can it be called the world fishing village! I ordered a plate of bitter snails. I heard it can lose weight. I also ordered a plate of braised fish and Teppanyaki beef.。. Everyone praised me for ordering very well.

Interesting story 3: after eating, my parents and I went straight to Huangfeng mountain park. As soon as I entered, the Puxian opera performed here attracted me. It was not their good performance, but the old people playing erhu who accompanied them. They saw them playing erhu attentively. I saw from the stage that there was no inconsistency in his fingers, and his head was sweating. It seems that I've fully invested in it. I'm so envious of it. I'm also determined here to learn erhu well and grow up like them.

庆祝国庆节英语作文 篇六

During the National Day holiday, my mother gave me a pair of badminton rackets. I'm very happy. One day the weather was very good. My mother and I played badminton on the lawn.

With excitement, I hit the badminton to the tree. My mother wanted to use the racket to hit the ball down. As a result, the ball didn't fall down. Instead, the racket was hung on the tree. There was no way. My mother smashed it with another racket. It was not easy to get the racket down. But the ball was still hanging high in the tree. The little white ball seemed to say, "well, see how you can get me down." I said to my mother, "hit the ball with my shoes." my mother said, "OK." so I took off my shoes and threw it hard at the little ball. "The ball came down," said mother. "Really, great, let's keep playing?" I said happily. "Where are your shoes?" "I don't know. Are they in the tree?"

I looked up at the tree. My shoe was really high on the tree. "What to do?" Mom: "the best way is to get it from the tree yourself."。 "No, I'm most afraid of going up the tree. If I fall down, it will hurt." "don't worry, mom will follow you under the tree." so I climbed up carefully like a snail. As I climbed, I trembled and kept shouting "Mom, I'm afraid! Mom, I won't climb."

My mother kept encouraging me when she saw me like this. I continued to climb up again. When I saw my shoes, I shook the branch hard, and finally shook my shoes down. I went back carefully. Down to earth is comfortable.

This thrilling tree climbing has enriched a lot of fun for my National Day holiday!

国庆节英语作文范文 篇七

During the National Day holiday, my mother deliberately didn't drive and took me to Zhuhai by double decker bus. I've never taken a double decker bus, so I'm looking forward to standing at the bus stop and waiting for the double decker bus, but I can't see the double decker bus. Just when I was lost, a sightseeing double decker bus to dajinding came. I'm happy again. I have to pay the fare for getting on the bus, 3 yuan per person, My mother and I have to pay 6 yuan together. My mother paid the money. I can't wait to get on the second floor of the car. My mother also followed up. There are not many good people. We finally found a seat. It's the first row. I'm so happy because I can see the scenery and no one is blocking it.

Driving along the beach, I saw the blue sky and blue sea, fishing boats of all sizes, and flying seagulls. Ah, how beautiful the scenery is!

Suddenly, I exclaimed, "look, mom, it's a fisherman in Zhuhai!" I saw the beautiful fisherman holding a big pearl, standing high by the sea, as if to say, "look, how beautiful it is here. Come and take a picture with me!"

The car kept walking, passing through the grassy Lovers Road, the beautiful bay as its name, and the magic folding stone waiting on the beach for many years. My mother told me that this folding stone is a sign of oyster sauce produced in Zhuhai, which is famous. Finally, we passed Zhenzhu paradise, Sun Yat sen University, science and Technology Park... Etc. we got off the car at dajinding, but dajinding didn't look good, We took the return bus home.

Maybe I was too tired. I fell asleep in the car unconsciously. When I was sleeping soundly, my mother gently pushed me: "little lazy pig, get up quickly. It's the station. The next stop: go home and sleep."

I really enjoyed my trip to Zhuhai today. I really want to tell everyone what I see and let them come to Zhuhai to see the beautiful scenery of Zhuhai.

国庆节英语作文范文 篇八

In this blue and life rich planet, in this vast area of the world, there is a cock, which stands firmly in the sea and land of Asia. It is China!

China, what a beautiful name! It's true that there are 1.3 billion Chinese people living in this magical land. They are diligent, tenacious and, more importantly, they have an indomitable spirit! It is also in this magical land that the Great Wall will be continuous, just like a crouching dragon. The rolling Yangtze River and Yellow River will flow continuously, feed the Chinese people for generations, and make our motherland richer and stronger day by day!

What God has given China is actually fair. God gave China the war of resistance against Japan, but let us see the founding ceremony. Since then, China has written a new page in reform and opening up. God gave China ice and snow disaster, but let us see the feat of soldiers rushing to the front line to shovel snow and remove ice. God made Wenchuan, China suffer a great earthquake, but let us see the great unity and harmony of the Chinese people who are indomitable and fearless of disasters, which moved the world. Then, China won an opportunity to host the world Olympic Games, which let us see the enthusiasm, kindness, positive quality and indomitable spirit of the Chinese nation!

China, it shocked the world. The world is better because of China!

Chinese history is ancient and civilized, and Chinese culture has a long history. Now China has begun to rise. It has already broken out of the shackles of tradition and broken the ideological cage of feudalism. It is advancing towards a humanistic society and internationalization! A great man once said, "China is like a sleeping lion. Once it wakes up, it will stir the whole world!" Yes, I believe, and all Chinese people also believe that China will take off!

Whenever I look at the five-star red flag flying on the playground, my heart is as surging as the sea. I believe that the Chinese people will deeply love their motherland, because the motherland has nurtured us, and we have witnessed the greatness of the motherland. Counting by pinching fingers, the motherland has been established for 70 years. For a person, it is already an old age. However, for China, just as children thrive, China will never grow old. It will always be vigorous and grow healthily under the moisture of spring rain, the sunshine of summer sun, the wind of autumn and the fragrance of winter plum. China has a long way to go in the future, just like a roc about to spread its wings and fly. China will be brave to break through!

China, I'm proud of you! I am proud that I am Chinese! I feel happy that I was born in China!

国庆节英语作文范文 篇九

Today, I'm going to see my grandparents and those lovely little animals. It's nice! Although there were a lot of people on national day, I was excited at the thought of returning to my long-awaited hometown.

When I arrived at my hometown, after greeting my grandparents, I ran to the cow pen as fast as I could to see the "calf". Yo, the calves have become big! I've been surprised to see it for so long. At first, the behemoth saw me and stared at me with his big, round black eyes, as if he was afraid of me. It doesn't matter, but I was frightened by the evil spirit in the black bead! Its nostrils have been breathing out, like dissatisfaction with me. I saw him and hurried away.

After lunch the next day, my mother-in-law said she was going to mow the cow. As soon as I heard that I was going to do this "big thing" (I think mowing is a big thing), I immediately grabbed my mother-in-law's arm and said, "I'm going too, I'm going too!" Of course, my mother-in-law was stubborn, but I had to let me go. When I arrived at my destination, I was attracted by a strong smell of grass, but my mother-in-law had already cut a lot of grass.

I've cut grass several times before, which makes me use this kind of knife, but I can't cut my grandparents with my small hands every time. Of course it's the same today. I saw my mother-in-law bending over and pulling the grass with her left hand. Holding the knife in his right hand, he aimed at the end of the grass and "brushed" a few times to cut a large handful of grass. The action was so clean and neat. And I cut a handful just like my mother-in-law. Before I finished my addiction, my mother-in-law poured a basin of cold water: "enough, you'll die if you cut the cow again!" Then he laughed. As soon as I saw that my mother-in-law was going back, I cut another handful of grass, stuffed it into her back pocket and ran home,

After a while, I couldn't restrain my curiosity and ran to the cow pen. At this time, the cow was chewing the fresh and tender grass cut by my mother-in-law and I with relish. But as soon as he saw me coming, he immediately stopped chewing, stood there motionless and stared at me. I saw it and said, "it's boring." He walked away. But as soon as I left my front foot, it buried its head and ate again. It's a stranger! I hid and watched carefully. It chews with its teeth and drools. Stamp your feet and catch flies with your tail. Seeing this, I giggled.

庆祝国庆节英语作文 篇十

During the holidays, all scenic spots are crowded. On this national day, we came to a quiet geomantic treasure land - Xiaowutai Mountain.

When it comes to Wutai Mountain, people will naturally think of the four famous Buddhist mountains - Wutai Mountain in Shanxi Province. But this time we came to Xiaowutai Mountain Nature Reserve at the junction of Zhuolu and Yu County, Hebei Province. It is the main peak of Taihang Mountain, named after five peaks in the East, West, South, North and middle. It is the highest peak in Hebei Province and the habitat of brown pheasant, a national first-class protected animal.

In autumn, Xiaowutai Mountain is the most beautiful viewing season with gurgling water, beautiful scenery and fruitful achievements. The sky here is so blue and bright that it's a little unreal. It seems to be a piece of flawless blue jade, which can be touched by hand. I think the PM2.5 here must be lower than 5. A cloud floating in the distance, gathering and scattering from time to time, like a dragon and a horse, makes people's eyes unbearable to move away.

How honored it is to walk freely on a path with fragrant fruit! Various wild fruits give off an attractive aroma. There are orange, sour and sweet seabuckthorn, red "oil bottle" and prickly thorn pears all over. My mother said it was their childhood delicacy. It's not easy to eat them. It takes a little patience and courage.

Here is simply the palette of nature. No good painter can draw such beautiful scenery: the towering mountains dyed by forests, a cluster of yellow leaves beside the grass, and a clear spring water.。. All these can remind you of your love and praise for this land.

When the first ray of sunset sprinkled on the hillside, we reluctantly embarked on the way home. Along the way, we not only experienced the freedom of each scenic spot, but also felt the infinite charm of nature. What a pleasant National Day!















